This is a pipeline for visualizing output of hippocampal autotop pipeline by Jordan Dekraker.
Quality control gif images:
Unfolded Maps plotted (thickness):
Violin Group plot (thickness):
Lineplot Group plot (thickness):
- npz files for each subject containing unfolded maps
- pkl and csv file containing flattened unfolded maps in convient format for comparison
Snakemake installation instructions or if using compute canada
Gif your nifti singularity container -->
singularity pull docker://kaitj/gif_your_nifti
Python packages
- pandas
- numpy
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- scipy
- sci-kit image
- sci-kit learn
- Populate participant_id.tsv file with subjects to be run in pipeline
- Populate config.yaml file with appropriate features for your dataset:
participant_tsv: participant_id.tsv
input_dir: /home/myousif9/scratch/hcp_unfolding3_jdkrek <-- top level directory for your dataset
boundary: /scripts/BigBrain_ManualSubfieldsUnfolded.mat <-- do not change this
singularity: /scratch/myousif9/singularity/gif_your_nifit_miykael.sif <-- point this to where ever this singularity container is located
- AP
- IO
- PD
features: <-- name of features in mat files (add to this if you have more features to unfold)
- GI
- streamlengths
- qMap
unfold_mat: <-- name of mat files without extension (add to this if there is another mat file to unfold)
- surf
hemi: <-- list of hemispheres to visualize (add R or L or both R and L)
- L
cmap: plasma <-- choose the color map you would like for your unfolded maps
- Ready to run the pipeline now!
- Run with by using command
or which ever way works for your system or compute cluster etc. - To generate report by running
snakemake --report
Thanks to Roy Haast, Jason Kai and Jordan Dekraker for providing code and help in making this pipeline.