- php >= 8.0
- mysql >= 5.7
- composer
This site is built with the Laravel framework for the back end.
The front end is built with TailwindCSS, Inertia and Vue.js.
I needed an excuse to learn InertiaJS and Laravel Jetstream so... voila
Clone this repo
run composer install
run cp .env.example .env
Edit .env file with database credentials
run php artisan key:generate
run php artisan migrate
run yarn
run yarn dev
mydnic on discord
- Update discord handles
- Handle Gibberish plugin version now that V3 is out
- Add new category (Mariner class) - sorry for the delay
- Users can now upload images to their config description
- Added Notification to users who starred a config when the latter is updated by its author
- New logo thanks to #dt192
- Put the copy button above the config's code
- Added Dark Mode (based on computer / browser settings)