An unofficial effort by the CrystalCraftMC Development Team to revive the functionality of a useful plugin
Welcome to the CrystalCraftMC fork of bSpace. We have decided to make this one of our long-term projects for the team to not only help us learn, but also to benefit our own server and help us recreate one of the most amazing gametypes to be known in the world of Minecraft.
As more information is made available, this README file will be updated to include more information. Below are important URLs or general information about the project.
The CrystalCraftMC Development Team consists of three people: jflory7, Jacc734, Jwood9198.
CrystalCraftMC Build Server (Coming Soon) Original bSpace on BukkitDev
- We generally follow the Sun/Oracle coding standards.
- No tabs; use 4 spaces instead (usually).
- Organize imports properly.
- If you make major changes to a class, add an author-tag.
- No 80 column limit or midstatement newlines (usually).
- No default Eclipse formatting.
- Proper javadoc for each method added/changed to describe what it does.
- The number of commits in a pull request should be kept to a minimum (squish them into one most of the time - use common sense!).
- No merges should be included in pull requests unless the pull request's purpose is a merge.
- Pull requests should be tested (does it compile? AND does it work?) before submission.
Follow the above conventions if you want your pull requests accepted. If your pull request is accepted, you will be added to the plugin.yml authors-list.