EmberChat is a chat application made with web technologies as browser and native application. Head to the project homepage. It uses EmberChatAppServer as server.
- common chat features
- native applications
- end to end encryption for user-user chats with RSA(1024 bit) and AES
- authentication
- conversation
- user-to-user
- history
- end-to-end encryption (RSA/AES)
- rooms(multiple users)
- history
- automated rejoin after authentication
- user-to-user
- notification on site on message
- native app
- MacOS, Windows, Linux32, Linux64
- desktop notifications
- create rooms
- admin
- create/remove users
- remove rooms
- auto reconnect
- automated 'version changed' notification
- timestamp for conversation content
- server uptime
- semantic rendering for urls
- history for sent messages(arrow up/down in textfield)
- improved error/success messaging
- i18n
- quicksearch
- userlist
- conversations
- rooms
- @mention in rooms
- dedicated admin backend(appliance setup, creating users etc.)
- and lots of more(global voting/message system, file transfer, semantic rendering(code), emoticons ;-), video conversation, more test coverage, design, user state)
npm install
bower install
ember.js - handlebars - jQuery - Boostrap - SHA-256 by Chris Veness - JSEncrypt by Travis Tidwell - Gibberish-AES by Mark Percival