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mwasiluk edited this page Jan 16, 2017
5 revisions
A histogram shows history representation of the distribution of numerical data. It is an estimate of the probability distribution of a continuous variable (quantitative variable).
Histogram extends [Chart With Color Groups](Chart With Color Groups).
#Demo Online demo
Histogram is created using an ODCD3.Histogram function:
var placeholderSelector = "#plot";
var data = [ ... ]; // array of arrays/objects
var config = { //optional config object
var plot = new ODCD3.Histogram(placeholderSelector, data, config);
The ODCD3.Histogram function takes 3 parameters:
- selector for plot placeholder element - d3.select compatible (string or node)
- data to plot (array of numbers; array of arrays / objects)
- optional config object
Configuration object properties (not inherited from [Chart With Color Groups](Chart With Color Groups)):
x - X axis configuration object:
- title - axis title, default: ''
- key - object property name or array index with X axis value, default: 0
- value - X value accessor function, may be used to override default accessor:
function (d, key) { Utils.isNumber(d) ? d : parseFloat(d[key]) }
- ticks - ticks number
y - Y axis configuration object:
- title - axis title, default: ''
groups - groups configuration object:
- key - object property name or array index with grouping variable, default: 1
- frequency - specifies the meaning of the generated bins’ y-values. If frequency is true, which is the default, the y-value represents the count of elements in the bin. If false, it represents the probability of a random element in the sample population being in that bin