A Golang port of PeerJS
- Datachannel
- Mediachannel
- Test coverage > 80%
- Signalling server
- Interoperability tests
See _examples folder
package main
import (
peer "github.com/muka/peerjs-go"
func main() {
peer1, _ := peer.NewPeer("peer1", peer.NewOptions())
defer peer1.Close()
peer2, _ := peer.NewPeer("peer2", peer.NewOptions())
defer peer2.Close()
peer2.On("connection", func(data interface{}) {
conn2 := data.(*peer.DataConnection)
conn2.On("data", func(data interface{}) {
// Will print 'hi!'
log.Printf("Received: %#v: %s\n", data, data)
conn1, _ := peer1.Connect("peer2", nil)
conn1.On("open", func(data interface{}) {
for {
conn1.Send([]byte("hi!"), false)
<-time.After(time.Millisecond * 1000)
select {}
Further documentation can be found at: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/muka/peerjs-go/
A docker image for the GO based peer server is available at opny/peer-server built for Raspberry Pi and PCs
The source of the GO based peer server can be found in the server folder which can be imported as the go package "github.com/muka/peerjs-go/server"
and is documentated on pkg.go.dev. Also see example usage in the peer_test.go file.
If you want a standalone GO based Peerjs server, run go build ./cmd/server/main.go
to get an exacutable. To set the server options, create a peer.yaml
configuration file in the same folder as the executable.
Available Server Options:
- Host String
- Port Int
- LogLevel String
- ExpireTimeout Int64
- AliveTimeout Int64
- Key String
- Path String
- ConcurrentLimit Int
- AllowDiscovery Bool
- Payload de/encoding based on js-binarypack is not supported.
- Message chunking (should be already done in recent browser versions)