Prospective Employers Can See My React Skills - basically a minified focused version of something like the react dev roadmap
React EcoSystem
React v 16 hooks
Redux Redux Thunk Testing
architecture for scale reuse state managment data fetching
React Setup/Configure - Webpack, Parcel, CRA React Knowledge from super popular Interview Questions
- React Parcel setup - with notes as why I would use it
- React webpack setup
- React cra set up
- React Next js set up
State mangement redux TOOLING: redux query, redux toolkit, redux persist, reselctors context api
React and Typescript Props types flow
Fetching and caching data from an API fetching, loading, status, response, data,
Separation of Concerns Reducers --> manage state thunks --> side-effect logic Selectors --> abstracting the state's format, transforming state data
Styles YT video on this Most popular css modules --> benefits disadvantages styled-components
Best Practices for top scores on Lighthouse?
best practices react blog post
react query and overall data fetching 'loading' , 'fetching' , query , mutation,'not loading','re-fetching', error, loaded,
loading large lists
Tracking loading state in order to show UI spinners Avoiding duplicate requests for the same data Optimistic updates to make the UI feel faster Managing cache lifetimes as the user interacts with the UI Over the last couple years, the React community has come to realize that "data fetching and caching" is really a different set of concerns than "state management". While you can use a state management library like Redux to cache data, the use cases are different enough that it's worth using tools that are purpose-built for the data fetching use case.