Flickr Photo Upload in Android Phonegap using zepto and javascript.
- Android 4.0.3
- Cordova 2.1.0
To upload photos in flickr, we have to generate md5 hash. Generate md5 hash using md5.js. It requires secret key, api key and auth token.
md5(secret + "api_key" + apiKey + "auth_token" +token);
Upload code is:
var hash;
var apiKey = "enter_your_api_key_here";
var secret = "enter_your_secret_key_here";
var token='user_authtoken_here';
var options = new FileUploadOptions();
var params = new Object();
params.api_key = apiKey;
hash = md5(secret + "api_key" + apiKey + "auth_token" +token);
params.api_sig = hash;
options.params = params;
var ft = new FileTransfer();
ft.upload(imageURI, encodeURI(""), winflickr, failflickr, options);
- Enter appkey in #30 of script.js
- Enter secretkey in #31 of script.js
- Enter authtoken in #32 of script.js