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Rust Fundamentals

Rust is a Static and Strong programing language.

How programing languages are:

Data types

  • Static - We know all of the data types at compile time
  • Dynamic - We only know the data types at run time


  • Strong - Enforces rules on data type assignments
  • Weak - Has Few or no enforcement on data type assignments


  • Compiled, used to be faster
  • Interpreted, slower since bit code in generated on each execution. More portable since they are "compiled" at run time


  • Stack - pila, last in last out, when stack overflow happens, to many data -> we use the heap
  • Heap - has a pointer pointing to the data in memory

Rust Key concepts

  • Most of the variables cannot change their value, you can handle this creating mutable variables, but they are not the default one.
  • Ownership and Burrowing, Core rust memory management
  • Associated methods, method associated to a data structure
  • Crates, modules
  • Macros, (!) primitive functions

Rust Toolchain

Toolchain components:

  • Rust Compilet
  • Cargo (package manager)

Rustup, a toolchain management utility

Bynary command

> rustc


Section: Data Types

Scalar, holds a single value

  • Integers
  • (u)unsiged 0 - 255
  • (i)signed -128 127
  • isize, usize - related to the CPU architecture
  • floating points - singed
  • True / False
  • A, B, C (ASCII)

Rush uses 4 Bytes, 4.294.967.296, characters in Unicode-32 table, basically support everything

Compound, holds multiple values in a single variable

  • Multiples values of a single data types
  • Multiples values of different data types

Array and Tuples has a FIXED size


We have two alternatives:

String, notice the capital S
  • mutable
  • u8 data vector
  • stored on the heap
&str (hardcoded string)
  • Immutable
  • u8 data vector
  • stored on the heap/stack or compiled code

Section: Variables


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