This is the software project for the Master's Thesis by:
Muhammad Nizami
Magister Informatika-STEI-ITB
The following package contains a python implementation of the synthesizer described in the following works:
Nizami, M., and Lestari, D. P. (2019). Sistem Permainan Musik Ekspresif untuk Alat Musik Gesek. Master's Thesis. Institut Teknologi Bandung
M. Nizami and D. P. Lestari, "A DT-Neural Parametric Violin Synthesizer," 2021 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICEEI52609.2021.9611115.
System Requirements (under construction)
Example of Usage (under construction)
Running the Synthesizer (under construction)
a. Input Data Format (under construction)
b. Training the Models (under construction)
c. Running the Trained Models on New Data (under construction)
d. Evaluating Output (under construction)
We're sorry that this part of the readme is not yet written down. We will get to work on this part in the near future.