An extension to manage page elements around the content area. It allows administrators to configure those areas (view_extras) in the admin interface.
- Enable the extension
- Rebuild autoload map
- Configure the view_extra fields in mugo_view_extra.ini
{def $current_node = fetch( 'content', 'node', hash( 'node_id', $current_node_id ) )}
{def $view_extras = fetch( 'mugo_view_extras', 'get', hash( 'node_id', $current_node.node_id ) )}
{if $}
{def $view_extra_top = fetch( 'content', 'node', hash( 'node_id', $ ) )}
{node_view_gui content_node=$view_extra_top view='extra'}
{set-block variable=$output}
<include ttl="3600" id="above_footer_1"/>
{$output|parse_includes( $view_extras_lookup_node_id )}
Usually you submit a node_id to the fetch method. It's possible to submit no node_id and the fetch method returns the "default" view_extra array:
{def $view_extras = fetch( 'mugo_view_extras', 'get' )
But before you need to set the default view_extra array:
{def $view_extras = fetch( 'mugo_view_extras', 'get', hash(
'node_id', $view_extras_lookup_node_id,
'set_default', true()
) )}
This is useful if you have template not in context of a node_id and you use another template in the same request which sets the default view_extra array.