Handwritten digit classification using data augmentation
Overview A Deep CNN implementation with Keras to recognize Handwritten Digits
Numpy Matplotlib Seaborn Skimage Sklearn Keras
For “easy” blind test data set all the parameters(ex epoch, Optimizer, batch_size) are listed in the beggining of the /Handwritten-Character-Recognition/train.py file.
Please specifing the paths for the dataset in test.py using the variables Xload and Yload.
Please place the files of the dataset, label set and the trained_model. hdf5 in the Handwritten-Character-Recognition folder.
The best model will be saved in the ./Handwritten-Character-Recognition/trained_model.hdf5 .
For “easy” blind test data set all the parameters are listed in the beggining of the Handwritten-Character-Recognition/test.py file.
For specifying the paths for the files of the dataset, please use the test_data and test_labels variable.
Please place the files of the dataset, label set and the trained_model. hdf5 in the Handwritten-Character-Recognition folder.
- Open the file and change the path to test_data and test_labels:
- cd Handwritten-Character-Recognition
-------python test.py