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Payment Api

Enclo edited this page Jan 20, 2019 · 13 revisions

The Payment API

Notice: Everything is case sensitive, including scratch usernames

GET /api/v1/loginGetCode/:username

Example: /api/v1/loginGetCode/enclotester

OnSuccess: json object => {"authCode": "string-containing-authcode-to-comment-on-mattcoin-verification-project"}

OnFail: json object => {"Error": "error-produced"}

POST /api/v1/login/

RUN /api/v1/loginGetCode first

Accepts: json object => {"username": "username being logged in"}

Will return the api key for a user if the user posted the code returned by /api/v1/loginGetCode/:username on the project correctly. If api is called and the code doesnt exist or nobody commented, it will return a json object with an object named newCode containing a new code for the user to post on the project, otherwise if successful it will return an apiKey object containing a string with the apiKey for mattcoin

OnSuccess: json object => {"username": "your-username", "apiKey": "your-api-key"}

OnFail: json object => {"Error": "error-produced", "newCode": "new-code-for-mattcoin-verification-project"}

GET /api/v1/getUserHistory/

**Example: ** /api/v1/loginGetCode/EncloTester/myapikey/200

Will return a json object containing a list of a users payment history. For example, if you provide lid with a number like 100, it will get message 100 to message 90 in the json object.

Returns: json object => {"obj": "the-array-with-the-user-payment-history", "dipped": "boolean-that-returns-true-or-false-based-on-if-the-lid-dipped-below-0", "lid": "new-lid"}

GET /api/v1/getUserData/:username/:apikey

**Example: ** /api/v1/loginGetCode/EncloTester/myapikey

Will get basic user data, including balance among other things

Returns: json object => {

"apiKey": "your-api-key",

"balance": "your-balance",

"banned": "boolean-stating-if-youre-banned-or-not",

"chargeBacks": "the-amount-of-times-support-has-taking-money-from-you-for-commiting-a-scam",

"iconLink": "a-link-to-your-user-icon-on-scrath",

"scratchVerified": "boolean-that-returns-if-user-has-used-mattcoin", "securityAnswer": "answer-to-security-question",

"securityQuestion": "a-question-only-you-know-the-answer-to-to-recover-your-mattcoin-account-with-support",

"strikes":"the-amount-of-warnings-given-to-an-account-for-fradulent-activity (3 equals a ban)"


POST /api/v1/act/pay/

Accepts: json object => {"username": "your-username", "apiKey": "your-api-key", "topay":"the-user-you-are-paying", "amount": "the-amount-you-are-paying", "message": "the-message-the-payment-will-contain"}

Pays a user, returns an error if the payment is unsuccessful

OnSuccess: json object => {"response": true}

OnFail: json object => {"Error": "error-produced"}

POST /api/v1/act/clearPaymentHistory/

Accepts: json object => {"username": "your-username", "apiKey": "your-api-key"}

Clears a user's payment history.

OnSuccess: json object => {"response": true}

OnFail: json object => {"Error": "error-produced"}

GET /api/v1/verifyLoginIntegrity/:username/:apiKey

Example: /api/v1/verifyLoginIntegrity/EncloTester/myapikey

Boolean that checks if the api key corresponds with a username

OnSuccess: json object => {"response": true}

OnFail: json object => {"Error": "error-produced"}

How to use this

This api is for making payments on Mattcoin programatically, you will need to know how to make HTTP requests. These functions might come to use (everything is nodejs):

const request = require('request');

function post(url, jsonObject){
	return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
		var options = {
			uri: url,

			method: 'POST',

			json: jsonObject

		request(options, function (error, response, body) {
			if (!error) {


function get(url){
	return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
		let object = {};
		    { uri: url },
			    function(error, response, body) {

	       			if (!error) {


You will need this NPM library aswell:

npm install request


async function getAuthCode(){
    const authCode = await get("")
