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SHARE Seismic Source Toolkit

The SHARE Seismic Source Toolkit is a Python plugin for Quantum GIS (QGis).
It is used in the SHARE project to modify the seismic source zone dataset 
that is the basis for subsequent seismic hazard calculations.

This toolkit is an expert tool. For its intended use in SHARE, some non-public
input files and external codes are required. These are included as an 
encrypted archive. In order to decrypt the archive, a key file is needed.
Please write an e-mail to [email protected] to request the key file.
Please do not distribute the input files and external codes to people outside
the SHARE community without permission of the authors. 

The toolkit requires Quantum GIS version >= 1.6.


Successful installations have been done so far on fresh openSUSE 11.4 and 
Kubuntu 10.10 systems.

openSUSE 11.4

This describes the installation on a fresh openSUSE 11.4 system.

Add repository
to software repositories (YAST -> Software Repositories -> Add)

Install following packages:

$ sudo zypper install make python-setuptools git
$ sudo zypper install python-lxml python-matplotlib python-numpy-devel 
$ sudo zypper install python-egenix-mx-base python-cython
$ sudo zypper install python-qt4-devel qgis-devel libgeos-devel

$ sudo easy_install pip
$ sudo pip install Shapely

Continue with instructions for all systems (see below).

Kubuntu 10.10

This describes the installation on a fresh Kubuntu 10.10 system.

Install following packages:

$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools tcsh git subversion
$ sudo apt-get install python-lxml python-matplotlib
$ sudo apt-get install python-egenix-mxdatetime python-shapely cython
$ sudo apt-get install pyqt-dev-tools 
$ sudo apt-get install g++ default-jre

(packages in last command are needed for the Intel Fortran compiler)

Add repository for QGis (version 1.4 from Kubuntu 10.10 is too old):

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install qgis qgis-dev python-qgis

Continue with instructions for all systems (see below).

All systems

 * Install pyRXP from sources (required for QuakePy):

Download & unpack from
$ python ./ build
$ sudo python ./ install

 * Install Intel Fortran compiler

Please find license terms and installation instructions at

Please modify your PATH so that the command "ifort" invokes the correct 
version of the Intel Fortran compiler. 

 * Install QuakePy ( from SVN:

$ cd /my/path/to/
$ svn co quakepy

Add line to $HOME/.profile (assuming bash):
export PYTHONPATH=/my/path/to/quakepy:$PYTHONPATH

Optional, but recommended: run QuakePy unit tests:
$ cd /my/path/to/quakepy
$ make check
$ make testclean

 * Install toolkit from Github:

$ cd /my/path/to/
$ git clone
$ cd seismicsource-toolkit
$ make

In Quantum GIS, activate plugin:
Plugins -> Manage Plugins -> "SHARE Seismic Source Toolkit"


SHARE Seismic Source Toolkit







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