School project for database class, which display population, unemployment and average wage, deaths rate and hospitals in districts in Slovak republic (2011-2015).
(each option can be executed within regions or whole country, years 2011-2015, population is only 2015):
3 options:
- show districts with population higher then set by the user
- show districts with unemployment less then set by the user and average wage higher then set by the user or at least region next to it has higher average wage
- show districts with number of deaths in range set by the user and on click, show maximum air distance from hospitals to the edge of district
#Data source and how to import it
- download and import geo data about Slovakia to database
osm2pgsql --create --database pdt_project_development slovakia-latest.osm.pbf
- run
rails import_data
to import statistic data about regions and districts in Slovakia - data source STATdat.
- Rails version:
- ruby version: 2.3.1
- PostgreSQL 9.3.15
- PostGis 2.2
GIS functions used:
Note: Model for this project can be done better (in order to use more GIS function, it's done like it is)