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Helper Functions

NzBernadine edited this page Feb 10, 2022 · 4 revisions

Helper Functions Blocks

Existing and Present element

Waits until the timeout to check if exist an element and return True or False depending on whether it exists or not.
The element identifier can be DOM(string), XPath(string), Image(string) identifiers.
Immediately return if the element exists or not at the moment. return True or False accordingly.
The element identifier can be DOM(string), XPath(string), Image(string) identifiers.

Count element

Returns the number of elements matching the identifier specified as an integer

Write in the clipboard

Text onto the clipboard, if no text is input the clipboard text is returned. can be used with the [Keyboard Key] block to perform a copy and paste, which is faster than typing a text using the Keyboard Key block.

Get Text

Extracts text between 2 provided anchors from the given text, left and right and returns it into a variable.

Delete character

cleans data by removing provided character(s) from given text.

Mouse Coordinates

Coordinate mouse: Returns the x, y coordinates of the current mouse position.
X Coordinate mouse: returns the x coordinate of the current mouse position as a number
Y Coordinate mouse: returns the y coordinate of the current mouse position as a number

Page title and text

Page title: Returns the title of the current web page as a string
Text content: Returns all text content of the current web page as a string


Return time elapsed in sec between calls as a float number.