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Metadata storage and ML methods for microbial phenotype/ trait prediction


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MetaStone and PhenoPointer

A vast amount of bacterial and archaeal genomic sequences have been generated in the past decade through single cell sequencing and in particular binning of meta- genomic sequences, but a detailed characterization of the functional features and observable phenotypes of such novel genomes is mostly unknown and thus missing. Machine learning models are trained on previously annotated organisms in relation to the mentioned traits and can be used for the characterization of so far undis- covered novel microbial organisms. The metadata is also used to enrich microbial community profiles with this kind of information, and a client-side webtool has been developed for comparative visualizations of these profiles.

MetaStone handles metadata management, whereas PhenoPointer is the ML part for training classification models and performing phenotype and trait prediction for microbial organisms.

Setup and installation of MetaStone and PhenoPointer


Most relevant steps needed for setting up MetaStone can be performed via the CLI, that can accessed via It should be mentioned, that the given python3 interpreter in the header of this file should be changed to the path, as created in the following step of creating a virtual environment. Alternatively, the CLI can be accessed by prefixing the call with python3 after activating the virtual environment.

$ source /PATH/TO/DESIRED/VIRTUALENV/bin/activate
$ python3

Required Python3 libraries and virtual env

A python3 virtual environment (venv) should be setup, to install the required release version of python3 libraries and keep these apart from other system-wide libraries to avoid versioning conflicts. This can be achived by executing $ python3 -m venv /PATH/TO/DESIRED/VIRTUALENV and afterwards activating the venv through $ source /PATH/TO/DESIRED/VIRTUALENV/bin/activate

Required libraries, as listed below, can be installed utilizing pip.

$ pip install scikit_learn==0.18.1
  • psycopg2 – 2.7.*
  • scikit_learn – 0.18.1
  • ipython – 5.*
  • scipy – 0.19.0
  • numpy – 1.12.*
  • Django – 1.9.4-1.9.*
  • pandas – 0.19.*
  • biom-format – 2.1.*

Basic database setup

Create a basic database (postgresql 9.5 tested) and assign a database user as the owner. All ETL steps are executed via this specific user. In addition to that, the hstore extension must be installed in postgresql and assigned to the created database.

Go to Metagenomes/ and fill the appropiate fields (see django1.9 - DB for details related to the database backend system):

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', # DATABASE DEPENDENT BACKEND SYSTEM
        'NAME': 'MetaStone', # YOUR DATABASE NAME
        'USER': 'img', # USER NAME
        'PASSWORD': 'imgimgimg', # PASSWORD
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': '5433',

A directory has to be specified, where the uploaded files is stored. This is set as MEDIA_ROOT in the same file.

The database is now ready to be initialized via the django CLI, so go to the root directory and run the following two commands:

$ ./ makemigrations
$ ./ migrate

The database is now filled automatically with required tables and sequences upon these.

For administration purposes, a superuser has to be created via the CLI. The login created is needed for loading genomic data and metadata into MetaStone, that can be performed after starting the development web server. The server can be stopped by pressing <CTRL+c>.

$ ./ createsuperuser
$ ./ runserver

In is worth to be mentioned, that while editing, the SECRETKEY should be changed. The key affects the securty mechanisms in a django application and should be changed in your local installation. A helpful online tool is this one.

Filling the database with genomic data and metadata

The directory DATA contains normalized data extracted from IMG ready for loading into MetaStone, that can be used for training new ML classification models within PP or for metadata-enrichment of community profiles.

  • Pfam-A.clans.tsv - General information about protein domains (Pfam v.29)
  • archaea_Mar16.xls - Archaeal related metadata as of March 2016 (exported from IMG)
  • archaea_Apr17.xls - New archaeal related metadata as of April 2017 (exported from IMG)
  • bacteria_Mar16.xls - Bacterial related metadata as of March 2016 (exported from IMG)
  • bacteria_Apr17.xls - New bacterial related metadata as of April 2017 (exported from IMG)
  • pfams_archaea_Mar16.tsv.gz - Pfam abundances profiles of March 2016 archaeal genomes
  • pfams_archaea_Apr17.tsv.gz - Pfam abundances profiles of new April 2017 archaeal genomes
  • pfams_bacteria_Mar16.tsv.gz - Pfam abundances profiles of March 2016 bacterial genomes
  • pfams_bacteria_Apr17.tsv.gz - Pfam abundances profiles of new April 2017 bacterial genomes

Loading data files into MetaStone

To access the admin site, the developmental web server needs to be started as stated in the previos section. The URL is shown in the output of the CLI and needs to be suffixed with admin e.g., gives access to the admin site.

After logging in as a superuser, the data files have to be uploaded to MetaStone by adding new Admin file uploads. Each archaeal and bacterial (meta)data file from IMG has to be uploaded a several times as: Genome, Genome_Lineage, and Genome_Metadata. The reason for this is, that input data can be split into separate files containing only the relevant entries for each organism. In this case, a single file for each time point of extracted data from IMG for archaea and bacteria has been created, containing all relevant fields.

Afterwards, the Pfam-A.clans.tsv has to be uploaded as Pfam, followed by the Pfam abundance profiles as Pfam2Genome.

To fill the database with the uploaded data, the CLI has to be called to open an interactive shell. Within this, the ETL procedure can be finally initiated.

$ ./ shell
[1] from MetaStone.Procedures.Helper import MaintenanceToolkit
[2] MaintenanceToolkit.process_all_imports()
[3] exit

Setup of PhenoPointer

For classification purposes with PhenoPointer no database is needed, if previously trained ML classification models are provided. Pre-trained models can be downloaded form here. The downloaded models have to be placed into the classifiers directory.

PhenoPointer takes as input Pfam abundance profiles directly or genomic sequences given in FASTA format. The latter one will be processed with prodigal (tested with v2.6.3) for gene prediction and later on protein domains will be detected utilising (tested with v1.6) - hmmer wrapper (tested with v3.1b2)- against Pfad v29. This pipelines relies on Pfad abundance profiles generated against Pfad v29, because the classification models have been trained on this data basis.

Example entries listed in are given below.

PFAMSCAN_PATH = '/Users/mrumming/Tools/PfamScan/'
PFAM29_DIR = '/Users/mrumming/Tools/PFAM29/'
PRODIGAL_PATH = '/Users/mrumming/Tools/prodigal.v2.6.3/prodigal.osx.10.9.5'

Invocation of CLI commands (PhenoPointer)

After successful setup of MetaStone and PhenoPointer, the following commands can be called for different pipeline invocations:

  • classify - Classify a novel microbial organism. Input can be
    • Pfam (v29) abundance profile generated with utilizing hmmer
    • Multiple DNA FASTA file/s, that will be processed with prodigal and
  • pandas - Export for the ease of use and minimising DB workload pandas dataframes of microbial metadata (representing microbial phenotypes/ traits)
  • selectbestclassifier - Given a set of evaluation cross validation runs, select the best classification model for a certain phenotype/ trait
  • trainfinalmodel - Train final ML classification models. that have been selected during xcross runs
  • validatemodel - Validate cross validated ML models against a final validation data set
  • xcross - Perform cross validation of ML models to be evaluated

The ppmodels repository does not only contain pre-trained cross validated ML classification models for predicting microbial phenotypes and traits, but also pandas dataframes used for training and validating these.

Metadata enrichment for use within Metagenome VIZualier (MVIZ)

For metadata-enrichment of microbial community profiles, the enrich is the one to use. For filling metadata annotation gaps in the IMG data basis (used within MetaStone), the infermissingannotationsindb command fills these by predicting these with PhenoPointer and storing these in MetaStone.


Metadata storage and ML methods for microbial phenotype/ trait prediction







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