First you need to compile the code:
$ make
Then you can run:
$ ./main <infile> <it> <pop size> <mut ratio> <n_populations> <it-mig> <it-in-mig> <migration mode> [<seed>]
There are several parameters to run, below they are listed in the order in which they should be placed.
<infile> : File with instance parameters
<it> : How many iterations the method should run
<pop size> : How many individuals there are in each population
<mut ratio> : Mutation Ratio [0.000 - 1.000]
<n_populations> : Number of populations for the same route
<it-mig> : How many iterations between migrations
<it-in-mig> : How many iterations to a individual migrate
<migration mode>: 0 to perform maximum number of migrations per cicle, otherwise 1 migration per clicle
[<seed>] : The seed to start random numbers in the method, this parameter is optional
The input instances can be found in instances directory. They were taken from ( project. But you can also build your own instances.