This repository contain a little project, that you can use to send, via cli tools, a chapter from Manga Eden to your kindle device.
At the moment you need a less secure app password for Gmail (your credentials can be stored in your system's keyring).
- Download kindlegen to make MOBI files that can be sent to your devices
- My suggestion is to download the repo and run this (tested with python 3.6.7)
pip install -r requirements.txt .
- In your home you can make a directory .mangaeden2kindle and the file config.json (see config.json.sample). If you don't do that, the directory will create at the first run.
Usage: m2k [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
get-email Show the email address from config.json
get-kindle Show the kindle address from config.json
get-list Show the manga list from mangaeden formatted as title, code
send <code> <number-of-chapter> Send the chapter of manga with code taked from the list
set-email <email> Set a new personal email
set-kindle <email> Set a new device email
This project heavily depends on KCC (a.k.a. Kindle Comic Converter)