With Exposure you can compute the exposure for a photo camera based on settings of the camera and metrics of the environment.
pip install exposure
>>> from exposure import Av, Tv, Sv, Bv, Iv, Exposure
>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> from fractions import Fraction
>>> Av.from_stop(1)
Av f/1.4
>>> Av.from_focal_length_and_diameter(10, 5)
Av f/2.0
>>> Av.from_fstop(Decimal("1.4"))
Av f/1.4
>>> Av.from_fstop(Decimal("22")).stop
Fraction(9, 1)
>>> Av.from_fstop(Decimal("22")).fstop
>>> Sv.from_iso(100)
Sv 100 ISO
>>> Sv.from_stop(Fraction(1, 1))
Sv 200 ISO
>>> Sv.from_iso(100).stop
Fraction(0, 1)
>>> Sv.from_iso(100).iso
>>> Tv.from_stop(1)
Tv 2 sec
>>> Tv.from_time(Fraction(10, 13))
Tv 10/13 sec
>>> Tv.from_time(Fraction(2, 1)).stop
Fraction(1, 1)
>>> Tv.from_time(Fraction(2, 1)).time
Fraction(2, 1)
>>> Bv.from_foot_lamberts(1)
Bv 3.4 cd/m2
>>> Bv.from_candelas(109)
Bv 109.2 cd/m2
>>> Bv.from_stop(3)
Bv 27.4 cd/m2
>>> Bv.from_stop(3).stop
Fraction(3, 1)
>>> Bv.from_stop(3).candelas
>>> Bv.from_stop(3).foot_lamberts
>>> Iv.from_foot_candles(25)
Iv 269.2 lux
>>> Iv.from_lux(1076)
Iv 1076.0 lux
>>> Iv.from_stop(3)
Iv 537.6 lux
>>> Iv.from_lux(1076).stop
Fraction(4, 1)
>>> Iv.from_lux(1076).lux
>>> Iv.from_lux(1076).foot_candles
>>> tv = Tv.from_stop(1)
>>> av = Av.from_stop(2)
>>> sv = Sv.from_stop(2)
>>> bv = Bv.from_stop(1)
>>> iv = Iv.from_stop(1)
The exposure is in balance when
>>> tv + av == sv + bv
>>> tv + av == sv + iv
This can also be used to compute a needed setting, like
>>> Tv.from_exposures(sv, bv, av)
Tv 2 sec
>>> Tv.from_exposures(sv, bv, av) == tv
>>> Av.from_exposures(sv, bv, tv)
Av f/2.0
>>> Sv.from_exposures(tv, bv, av)
Sv 400 ISO
>>> Sv.from_exposures(tv, iv, av)
Sv 400 ISO
Future work:
- from_exif
This package is based on http://dougkerr.net/Pumpkin/articles/APEX.pdf