Reflective annotation scanner for Java.
After scouring the web a few times, I could not find an easy way to do a simple task: take a class and scan for annotated properties.
As part of my development efforts on another project, I wrote such an annotation scanner.
I often found myself needing to do this same task; so, I decided to publish the code to make it accessible to others.
Annoscan is in maven central. Simply add the following dependency:
AnnoScan can be configured using a variety of methods.
It relies on constructor injection and is annotated in compliance with JSR-330 containers (Guice, Spring 3, etc).
In addition, it can be handwired manually or obtained using the provider singleton.
AnnoScan annoScan = new AnnoScanImpl(new GetterLocatorImpl());
AnnoScan annoScan = AnnoScanProvider.instance.get();
To scan a class for annotated properties, simply call one of the methods with your class and annotation class.
In unspecified order:
properties = annoScan.getAnnotatedProperties(TestClass.class,TestAnnotation.class);
In sorted order:
sortedProperties = annoScan.getAnnotatedPropertiesSorted(TestClassWithSort.class, TestAnnotation.class, new TestAnnotationComparator());
Then iterate through all of the properties and get the annotation or the value of the field:
for (AnnotatedProperty<TestAnnotation> property: properties) {
TestAnnotation annotation = property.getAnnotation();
Object fieldValue = property.getPropertyAccessor().getValue(annotatedObject);
The default AnnoScan and GetterLocator implementations are stateless and can be instantiated prototypically with minimal overhead, or as singletons.
The default provider instance get method call demonstrated above returns a singleton.