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bug 🪲
bug :beetle:
Something isn't working
constant time ⏳
constant time :hourglass_flowing_sand:
Enhancement is suitable for secret data
correctness 🛂
correctness :passport_control:
documentation 📖
documentation :book:
duplicate 🎭
duplicate :performing_arts:
This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement :shipit:
enhancement :shipit:
New feature or request
ergonomics 💯
ergonomics :100:
good first issue 🔧
good first issue :wrench:
Good for newcomers
has repro 🎯
has repro :dart:
heisenbug 🐈
heisenbug :cat2:
This bug seems random
help wanted 👥
help wanted :busts_in_silhouette:
Extra attention is needed
install / build process 👷‍♂️
install / build process :construction_worker_man:
invalid 👾
invalid :space_invader:
This doesn't seem right
performance 🏁
performance :checkered_flag:
post-quantum 🐱
post-quantum :cat:
question ❓
question :question:
Further information is requested
refactoring 🚂
refactoring :steam_locomotive:
spam 🚯
spam :do_not_litter:
testing 🛂
testing :passport_control:
upstream 🐉
upstream :dragon:
variable time ⏰ ⚠️
variable time :alarm_clock: :warning:
Enhancement is only suitable for public data
verkle trees 🌴
verkle trees :palm_tree:
wontfix 🌋
wontfix :volcano:
This will not be worked on
Zero Knowledge 🤫
Zero Knowledge :shushing_face: