This is an attempt to solve the AIVD kerstpuzzel 2018 teaser.
The teaser can be found here:
Note: the space of possibilities is at around 10^12, hence an evolutionary strategy is necessary.
[X] Bruteforce the available paths (this turned out to be 2)
[X] Bruteforce the string
[X] Evolutionary strategy for the string, including:
[X] Mutate function
[X] Crossover function
[X] Fitness function level 1 (compute_valid): all characters should fit in any given word of the dutch dictionary
[X] Fitness function level 2 (compute_sensible): favor longer words
[X] Adaptive mutate rate
[X] Periodically start with completely new chromosomes to avoid local minimum
[X] Apply elitism
[X] Graph out the performance at the end
[] Dynamic programming to find the optimal splitting of words