JMaxSum is a Java implementation of the Max-Sum algorithm that solves the power distribution model proposed by Zdeborová et al. (2009).
JMaxSum requires ant
to compile. The source code can be compiled into a jar with ant compile jar
JMaxSum can be executed with the following syntax:
java -jar jmaxsum.jar --generators M --loads D --ancillary R --center C --width W
The following required parameters must be specified:
--generators M The number of generators
--loads D The number of loads connected to each generator
--ancillary R The number ancillary lines for each generator
--center C The center of the uniform distribution
--width W The width of the uniform distribution
In addition, the following optional parameters can be specified:
--algorithm A Either "maxsum", "annealing" or "dsa" (default: "maxsum")
--oplus OP The oplus operator, either "max" or "min" (default: "min")
--otimes OT The otimes operator, only "sum" available ATM (default: "sum")
--seed S Seed used to generate the random instance (default: random)
--iterations I The number of iterations of the algorithm (default: 300)
--printfactor Print both original factor graph and after the bounded phase
--screw Use the preferences-on-values hack
--bounded Use the Bounded Max Sum phase
--time Print total time usage
--report FILE Write the report of the execution on FILE