Estimated 1.6 million files Reported 650 GB total ~40,000 + books
Links to: Home Page - Book Repositories - Issues
rsync -rvhz --progress --partial ftp...
- metadata.yml + author + title + publishing info + provinence
- book_name.{rst|tei|txt} + book text in a master source format
- license.txt + PG license information + transcriber, converter credits
- README.rst + generic GITenburg info + generic PG info + book specific info + desc and links to toolchains + desc and links to generated versions for ebook readers
Convert all files to UTF-8!topic/prj-alexandria/VhKbMyH9kcA
A list of file formats and their freqency is in the docs folder, generated via:
find -type f|rev|cut -d\. -f1|grep -v "/" |rev|sort -f|uniq -c|sort -nr
a master format
a master format Research toolchain for rst >> whatever
dp rst manual