This is a Todo application using Posh, a library that lets you easily use a DataScript database to keep your entire app state.
This Todo app lets you add or delete tasks to different categories and view by checked/unchecked or by category.
There's no styling and it's a really lame todo list, but I made it just to show an example of how to use Posh.
You can see posh-todo in action here:
Clone it, then
lein run -m clojure.main script/figwheel.clj
Then go here in your browser:
If you have an entity with a boolean value that you want the user to
be able to change, just load this component with the id
and attr
of the entity.
(defn checkbox [conn id attr checked?]
{:type "checkbox"
:checked checked?
:onChange #(p/transact! conn [[:db/add id attr (not checked?)]])}])
The component above would be called from another component that loads
the entity and supplies the checked?
value of the attr
If you wanted a standalone checkbox, you could query within the component:
(defn checkbox [conn id attr]
(let [checked? (attr @(p/pull conn [attr] id))]
{:type "checkbox"
:checked checked?
:onChange #(p/transact! conn [[:db/add id attr (not checked?)]])}]))
This component loads a text input with an add button that calls the callback function with the value of the text box whenever the add button is clicked. It uses a local reagent atom to update the text box.
(defn add-box [add-fn]
(let [edit (r/atom "")]
(fn [add-fn]
{:type "text"
:value @edit
:onChange #(reset! edit (-> % .-target .-value))}]
{:onClick #(when-not (empty? @edit)
(add-fn @edit)
(reset! edit ""))}
(or (:button-text options) "Add")]])))
The add-fn would be something like (partial add-task! conn category-id)
where add-task!
(defn add-task!
[conn category-id task-name]
(util/new-entity! conn {:task/name task-name
:task/category category-id
:task/done false}))
This adds a new task to a category in the todo.
Copyright © 2015 Matt Parker
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.