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Easily update and organize nested child components in Elm.


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This library provides an easy and powerful way to use nested children components in your Elm program with very little boilerplate. Parent components can easily communicate with children components and react to any changes that might occur in them.

You can nest components to any depth and the components are just regular Elm programs, with the usual Msg, Model, update, view, subscription, that can be compiled and tested individually.

The only boilerplate you need to add to a parent in order for it to handle any number or variety of components, is an extra message constructor in your Msg that takes an Updater of the parent's Model and Msg type:

type Msg = ...
         | UpdaterMsg (Updater Model Msg)

Then, in your update function, you just have to add one line to handle the updater message type, which applies the updater to your current model:

update msg model = case msg of
                      UpdaterMsg u -> u model

Updaters are generated by Converters that have been applied to a child component's message type. To make a converter for a child component, you just need to declare an Interface with the following information:

  • get - how to get the child component's model from the parent model.
  • set - how to update the child component's model within the parent model.
  • update - the child component's standard update function.
  • react - (optional) lets the parent specially react to any of the child's messages.

Once defined, a Converter can be used with,, or to convert any Html, Sub, or Cmd containing the child component's message type. Just map the converter onto the child message and Updater will take care of the rest (and if Elm had typeclasses, you wouldn't even have to specify the map).

This library makes using nested components easy and efficient. It should encourage the creation and sharing of re-usable, decoupled components. It also allows for some really nice abstractions, like the Many component (shown as in examples far below), which lets you easily create and display a collection of any component.


The Stock Modules

There are three stock components that we'll use to build up more complicated components:

  • EditableLabel is a label that can be changed with an edit button (demo, source)
  • Timer is a standard kitchen timer that counts down from whatever you set and flashes when it reaches zero (demo, source)
  • SuperBuzzer is just a big, animated "buzzer" that really grabs your attention. When you click on it, it stops. (demo, source)

These components and the examples to follow are only styled enough to make them usable for the purpose of demonstration.


A TaskTimer is just a kitchen timer with a task name and description. The idea is that later we will use many of them to make a timed todo list.

First, the module name and imports:

module Component.TaskTimer exposing (Msg (Reset, BuzzMessage), Model, init, update, view, subscriptions)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.App as Html
import Updater exposing (converter, Updater, Converter, Interface, toCmd, noReaction)

import Component.Timer as Timer
import Component.EditableLabel as Label


For the Model, we'll include the Timer, two Labels, and a buzzCount, which will keep track of the number of times the timer has buzzed:

type alias Model = { timer : Timer.Model
                   , name : Label.Model
                   , task : Label.Model
                   , buzzCount : Int }


Since the TaskTimer is meant to be a useful child component, we'll have to make some useful messages for whatever parent will be using it. Let's make a Reset message that will reset the Timers clock, and a BuzzMessage that will occur whenever the Timer buzzes, sending out the name and task description.

type Msg = Reset
         | BuzzMessage String String
         | UpdaterMsg (Updater Model Msg)

UpdaterMsg is required for updating the children components.


Now it's time to define the Converter interfaces for each of the children components. The function converter takes an updater message constructor (UpdaterMsg in this case, though it could be named anything). It also takes an Interface, which is defined in the Updater module as:

type alias Interface pModel pMsg cModel cMsg =
    { get    : ( pModel -> Maybe cModel )
    , set    : ( cModel -> pModel -> pModel )
    , update : ( cMsg -> cModel -> ( cModel, Cmd cMsg ) )
    , react  : ( cMsg -> cModel -> pModel -> ( pModel, Cmd pMsg ) ) }

where pModel and pMsg are the parent's Model and Msg, and cModel and cMsg are the child component's Model and Msg.

The react function is given any of the child component's messages and the child's model (already updated with that message), as well as the parent's model.

Here are the converters for both the name and task labels:

nameC : Converter Msg Label.Msg
nameC = converter
        { get = Just << .name
        , set = (\ cm m -> { m | name = cm } )
        , update = Label.update
        , react = noReaction }

taskC : Converter Msg Label.Msg
taskC = converter
        { get = Just << .task
        , set = (\ cm m -> { m | task = cm } )
        , update = Label.update
        , react = noReaction }

The set functions are just the standard Elm record updating syntax. The get function results are wrapped in a Maybe, which is necessary when getting children models out of Dict or Array. Here we compose the record getting syntax with a Just.

We don't need to react to anything that the labels do. To access their text we can just reach directly into their models using model.task.text or The noReaction function is defined in the Updater module and always returns (model, Cmd.none).

Now let's define timerC for the timer. The get and set functions will be similar to taskC and nameC. But this time we want to react to its messages: whenever it sees the Timer.Buzz message, it will increment the buzzCount and have the TaskTimer trigger a BuzzMessage message:

timerC : Converter Msg Timer.Msg
timerC = converter
         { get = Just << .timer
         , set = (\ cm m -> { m | timer = cm } )
         , update = Timer.update
         , react = (\ tmsg _ model ->
                         case tmsg of
                             Timer.Buzz ->
                                 { model | buzzCount = model.buzzCount + 1 }
                                 ! [ toCmd <| BuzzMessage model.task.text ]
                             _ -> model ! [] ) }

The toCmd function is part of the Updater module and uses Task.perform to box any message into a Cmd, which lets you send messages to the update function, and, as we'll see below, directly to any child components.


The view function is pretty normal. Everytime it displays a child component's model, it will pass the child's model into the child's view function. For example, to display the timer, we can call:

Timer.view model.timer

This, however, will return an Html Timer.Msg, which needs to be converted to an Html Msg. We can do this using and the timerC converter defined above: timerC <| Timer.view model.timer

Notice that Timer.view is called manually, so if the Timer module has some other, more advanced view function that takes other arguments, it could be used instead, or you could wrap the Timer.view in custom Html tags with Timer.Msg events. Whatever you write, it just needs to return an Html Timer.Msg before you convert it with timerC.

Here's the complete view function with all three child components. Most of the bloat comes from my sloppy CSS:

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
  div [ style [ ("border", "1px solid #aaa"), ("margin", "10px")
              , ("width", "175px"), ("padding", "10px")
              , ("float", "left"), ("height", "320px")] ]
      [ timerC <| Timer.view model.timer
      , div [] [ h3 [] [text "Name:"]
               , nameC <| Label.view ]
      , div [] [ h3 [] [text "Description:"]
               , taskC <| Label.view model.task ]

      , h4 [] [ text <| "Times Buzzed: " ++ toString model.buzzCount ]


The update function only needs to handle three options. One of them is the UpdaterMsg, which only needs to apply the updater to the current model. Another is BuzzMessage, which is just an informative broadcast.

Reset is a command for a parent to reset the Timer of the TaskTimer. One option would be to directly update the model of the Timer using Elm's record updating syntax, but that would be tedius and sloppy. Timer.Msg already has a Stop message that does what we want. To send it to the timer, Timer.Stop needs to be turned into a Cmd using toCmd, then convert it using and the timerC converter: timerC <| toCmd Timer.Stop

Here's the complete update function:

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
  case msg of
      Reset -> model ! [ timerC <| toCmd Timer.Stop ]

      BuzzMessage _ _ -> model ! []

      UpdaterMsg u -> u model


The Label components don't use any subscriptions, but the Timer component needs subscriptions sometimes to count down every second. Timer.subscriptions returns Sub Timer.Msg, which we can convert using timerC:

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model = timerC <| Timer.subscriptions model.timer


The Label components export initModel functions, which take an initial label text string as an argument.

The Timer component exports a standard init function that returns

(Timer.Model, Cmd Timer.Msg)

The Cmds that Timer.init returns are because the creator of the timer component thought it would be a good idea to have a random initial starting value between 1 and 30 seconds, so it calls a Random task right away to generate them. We need to include these Cmds and convert them using timerC.

init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init = let ( tmodel, tcmd ) = Timer.init
           { timer = tmodel
           , task = Label.initModel "Enter a task description here."
           , name = Label.initModel "Timer Name"
           , buzzCount = 0 }
    ! [ timerC tcmd ]


main : Program Never
main =
    Html.program { init = init
                 , update = update
                 , subscriptions = subscriptions
                 , view = view }

That's it! Now you can compile and test TaskTimer as an individual module (demo, source).

TaskTimer Cluster

What if you want to have a whole bunch of TaskTimers, like an unlimited amount of them that the user can add or delete at will?

I'll show you two ways to do this. First, a tedious way that uses a Dict, like I'm sure you've done before if you've worked with Elm much. Second, I'll show you the Many component, which abstracts away the boring part and can be used to make a collection of any type of component.

The Tedious Way

module and imports

module Component.ManualTimerCluster exposing (Msg (..), Model, init, update, view)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.App as Html
import Html.Events exposing ( onClick )
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Updater exposing (converter, Updater, Converter, Interface, toCmd, noReaction)

import Component.TaskTimer as TaskTimer

model and message

Inside the model, a Dict will store the TaskTimers and give each of them a unique id.

For the Msg, AddTimer and DeleteTimer will add or delete the timers from the Dict.

newID will store the next unused id, and will increment every time a new timer is added.

type alias Model = { timers : Dict Int TaskTimer.Model
                   , newID : Int }

type Msg = AddTimer (TaskTimer.Model, Cmd TaskTimer.Msg)
         | DeleteTimer Int
         | UpdaterMsg (Updater Model Msg)

Note that AddTimer basically takes the result of TaskTimer.init as an argument.

Timer Converter

The TaskTimer models are stored inside a Dict, so we'll have to have the converter's get and set functions reach into the Dict. The converter will also need to take an Int id as an argument to know which TaskTimer in the Dict should be accessed.

timerC : Int -> Converter Msg TaskTimer.Msg
timerC n = converter
           { get = (\ model -> Dict.get n model.timers)
           , set = (\ timer model -> { model | timers = Dict.insert n timer model.timers } )
           , update = TaskTimer.update
           , react = noReaction }

Now we can just call, for example, timerC 5 and get a Converter for the TaskTimer stored with the id of 5.


The init is easy because it starts with an empty Dict:

init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init = { timers = Dict.empty
       , newID = 0 }
    ! [ ]


For the update function, DeleteTimer id just needs to remove the timer from the Dict.

For AddTimer, it needs to:

  • add the new timer's init model to the Dict
  • increment the newID record
  • because TaskTimer.init sends out some initial Cmds to get a random starting value for its Timer, we need to use timerC with the new TaskTimer's id to use the messages on the new entry.
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
  case msg of
      AddTimer (timerModel, timerCmd) ->
          { model | timers = Dict.insert model.newID timerModel model.timers
          , newID = model.newID + 1 }
          ! [ (timerC model.newID) <| timerCmd ]

      DeleteTimer id -> { model | timers = Dict.remove id model.timers } ! []

      UpdaterMsg u -> u model


For the subscriptions, just cycle through the TaskTimers in the dict, converting each subscription by id:

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
    Sub.batch <| (\ (id, timerModel) ->
                     (timerC id) <| TaskTimer.subscriptions timerModel )
                    (Dict.toList model.timers)


For the view, you can just iterate through a toList of the Dict, use TaskTimer.view on each model and map timerC with the id to convert to the parent's message. The deletableTimer function wraps each timer with a delete button that calls the DeleteTimer message for an id.

There's also an "Add Timer" button that just returns the Addtimer message with TaskTimer.init as an argument.

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
  div [ ]
      [ div [ style [("height", "420px")]] <|
   (\ (id, timerModel) ->
                          deletableTimer id <|
                 (timerC id) <| TaskTimer.view timerModel)
            (Dict.toList model.timers)
      , div [] [ button [ onClick <| AddTimer TaskTimer.init ] [ text "Add Timer" ] ]

deletableTimer : Int -> Html Msg -> Html Msg
deletableTimer id html = div [ style [ ("width", "215px")
                                     , ("float", "left")
                                     , ("height", "320px") ] ]
               [ html
               , button [ onClick <| DeleteTimer id ] [ text "Delete" ]


main : Program Never
main =
    Html.program { init = init
                 , update = update
                 , subscriptions = subscriptions
                 , view = view }

That's it! Another fully functional component (demo, source). But do you really like juggling objects in a Dict like that?

TaskTimer Cluster using Many

Using a Dict isn't too bad for one collection, but imagine you had a page with many different collections of components. Think how bloated your code might become from all the calls to Dict.toList, and how many AddThis and RemoveThat messages you might have to pollute your Msg with!

Using the Many component, you can abstract this Dict-handling, and more-easily and succinctly handle collections of components.


module Component.ManyTimerCluster exposing (Msg (..), Model, init, update, view, subscriptions)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.App as Html
import Html.Events exposing ( onClick )
import Updater exposing (converter, Updater, Converter, Interface, toCmd, noReaction)

import Component.TaskTimer as TaskTimer
import Component.Many as Many

Many Msg and Model type aliases

Many has polymorphic types for its model and message:

type alias Model cModel cMsg = ...

type Msg cModel cMsg = ...

cModel and cMsg are the msg and model of whatever component will be stored in the Many component, which, in this case, is a TaskTimer, so the Many model would be Many.Model TaskTimer.Model TaskTimer.Msg. We'll use type aliases to avoid having to write such long types:

type alias TimersModel = Many.Model TaskTimer.Model TaskTimer.Msg

type alias TimersMsg = Many.Msg TaskTimer.Model TaskTimer.Msg

Msg and Model

type alias Model = { timers : TimersModel }

type Msg = NoOp
         | UpdaterMsg (Updater Model Msg)

Pretty boring, huh? I just added in NoOp for decoration, really.


timersC : Converter Msg TimersMsg
timersC = converter
           { get = Just << .timers
           , set = (\ cm model -> { model | timers = cm } )
           , update = Many.update
           , react = noReaction }

Notice that update is Many.update and not TaskTimer.update.


init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init = { timers = Many.initModel TaskTimer.update TaskTimer.subscriptions }
    ! [ ]

Many.initModel takes the hosted component type's update function and the subscriptions function for the initial argument.

It doesn't actually need to init any TaskTimers until they are added using the Many.Add message (which could be done in the Cmd Msg of this init).


update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
  case msg of
      NoOp -> model ! []
      UpdaterMsg u -> u model


subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model = timersC <| Many.subscriptions model.timers


Ah! Now for something interesting!

The Many module's model generates a few convenience functions that make it easy to display the components in its collection. One of those functions is called viewAll, which you access through the model, like model.timer.viewAll. It expects a callback function with this type signature:

( Int -> cModel -> ( Html cMsg -> Html (Msg cModel cMsg) )
                -> Maybe (Html (Msg cModel cMsg)) )

Don't be intimidated by this, it's actually really simple. The callback function that you supply will get these arguments:

  • the id of the component
  • the model of the component
  • a conversion function that changes Html (component message) to Html (Many message).

The (component message) is referring, in this case, to a TaskTimer.Msg, which means that you can display Html TaskTimer.Msg types, like by calling TaskTimer.view. The conversion function is then used to transform that into, in this case, Html (Many TaskTimer.Model TaskTimer.Msg), or, using the type alias already defined, just Html TimersMsg.

This allows you to display something for the TaskTimer, but also to surround it with events that control its place in the Many component, such as by using the Many.Delete id message to delete it.

The callback function returns the Html in a Maybe so you can display Nothing if you want to skip displaying certain components.

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div []
        [ timersC <| viewTimers model.timers ]

viewTimers : TimersModel -> Html TimersMsg
viewTimers timers =
    div [ class "timers" ]
        [ div [ style [("height", "420px")]] <|

              (\ id timer conv -> Just <|
                   div [ style [ ("width", "215px")
                               , ("float", "left")
                               , ("height", "320px") ] ]
                   [ conv <| TaskTimer.view timer
                   , button [ onClick <| Many.Delete id ] [ text "Delete" ] ])

        , div [] [ button [ onClick <| Many.Add TaskTimer.init ] [ text "Add Timer" ]]]


main : Program Never
main =
    Html.program { init = init
                 , update = update
                 , subscriptions = subscriptions
                 , view = view }

Here's the complete source and a demo.

You can see how much easier it is to reason about using Many and how much better organized it is than throwing in your own Dict solution for every component type.

A Super Timer Application

I won't make you suffer through a complete walkthrough of my SuperTimer application. By now you should be able to look at the source code and understand it, except for some of the message passing parts that use Many, which I'll explain.


The SuperTimer is just like the Timer Clusters we looked at in the last two examples, except it also connects to the SuperBuzzer module to help alert the user of the SuperTimer when any timer is buzzing. Also, a list of actively buzzing tasks will be displayed next to the SuperBuzzer. When the giant pulsating red SuperBuzzer is clicked, a message will get passed back to stop all the buzzing timers.

Reading messages through a Many

The SuperTimer uses the same TaskTimer in a Many setup, except it needs to react to any TaskTimer.BuzzMessage messages so it can trigger the SuperBuzzer and store the task name and description in the collection of active tasks.

Here's the timersC conversion function with a react that does just that:

timersC : Converter Msg TimersMsg
timersC = converter
          { get = Just << .timers
          , set = \ cm model -> { model | timers = cm }
          , update = Many.update
          , react = \ mMsg _ model ->
                         case mMsg of
                             Many.From id tMsg _ ->
                                 case tMsg of
                                     TaskTimer.BuzzMessage name description ->
                                         ! [ toCmd <| Buzz id name description ]
                                     _ -> model ! []
                             _ -> model ! [] }

The message type, Many.From passes down the id, message, and model of the component.

Sending messages through a Many

What if you want to send a message to a component stored inside a Many? For that, use the message, Many.SendTo, which takes the component id and a component's message.

In the SuperTimer app, all the id's for the TaskTimers that have buzzed, and their task names and descriptions, are stored in the buzzedTimers dictionary. Below is how to send the TaskTimer.Reset message through the Many component:

update msg model =
   case msg of
      UnBuzz -> { model | buzzedTimers = Dict.empty }
                ! (
                       (\ id -> timersC <| toCmd <|
                            Many.SendTo id TaskTimer.Reset )
                            (Dict.keys model.buzzedTimers))

Demo and Source

See a demo of the SuperTimer, and here's the source code.

Component Conventions

In my opinion, this Updater library should make using reusable components in Elm much more popular. Wouldn't it be great if everybody was contributing a bunch of useful components? Think how fast you could build up really complicated apps!

And the components aren't limited to just GUI widgets. You could make headless components that provide a useful Msg API to interact with other web APIs or databases. Basically, anything that needs to manage its own internal state should be a component, especially if you want to use it more than once.

By splitting your program up into many component modules, not only do you get great reusability, but it's easier to keep your main app's--and each component's--Msg small and understandable. It's also easier to test components individually rather than as part of a behemoth main app.

Component.Xxxxxx Module Names

It seems like we should name anything that is just meant to be a component with a module name like Component.SuperTimer, with a Component. in front. That way it's obvious when you're importing components and when you're importing libraries that provide more general functionality.

Component Files

Even if you want to spread out a component over multiple files, please expose one main file, Component.Xxxxx, that exposes the main useful things like Msg, Model, update, subscriptions, etc, so that it's easy to import.

Component Msg

Limit which parts of the message get exposed and document which messages are useful for output or for component control. Try to make it difficult for people to wire up an infinite Cmd loop between your component and their react function.


Easily update and organize nested child components in Elm.







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