Update DevTools introduction #626
Community-TC Integration / yarn test
Sep 17, 2024 in 3m 57s
Community-TC (pull_request)
Codetribute CI
View task in Taskcluster
View logs in Taskcluster
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] Worker Type (proj-misc/ci) settings:
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] {
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "config": {
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "deploymentId": "90a94b8207b216cf"
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] },
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "generic-worker": {
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "engine": "multiuser",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "go-arch": "amd64",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "go-os": "linux",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "go-version": "go1.23.0",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "release": "https://github.com/taskcluster/taskcluster/releases/tag/v68.0.3",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "revision": "485329fc867bbb7d3a60d6e9f06deefcdad1b2ab",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "source": "https://github.com/taskcluster/taskcluster/commits/485329fc867bbb7d3a60d6e9f06deefcdad1b2ab",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "version": "68.0.3"
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] },
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "image": "projects/community-tc-workers/global/images/generic-worker-ubuntu-24-04-bmxg2g749ndksztpdmoe",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "instance-id": "1290746110578836557",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "instance-type": "projects/757942385826/machineTypes/n2-standard-4",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "local-ipv4": "",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "machine-setup": {
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "maintainer": "[email protected]",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "script": "https://github.com/taskcluster/community-tc-config/blob/b741ee41edae59d28b55cb72b35be7cc14d11b86/imagesets/generic-worker-ubuntu-24-04/bootstrap.sh"
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] },
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "project-id": "community-tc-workers",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "public-hostname": "proj-misc-ci-i7dzqhxftgcudytt5suv9a.c.community-tc-workers.internal",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "public-ipv4": "",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "region": "us-central1",
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] "zone": "us-central1-a"
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] }
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] Task ID: Xc5gwjgoQcqtxJ1fxj6uvg
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:32.841Z] === Task Starting ===
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] This task was designed to run under Docker Worker. Docker Worker is no longer maintained.
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] In order to execute this task, it is being converted to a Generic Worker task, using the D2G
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] utility (Docker Worker 2 Generic Worker):
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] https://github.com/taskcluster/taskcluster/tree/main/clients/client-shell#translating-docker-worker-task-definitionpayload-to-generic-worker-task-definitionpayload
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z]
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] We recommend that you convert all your Docker Worker tasks to Generic Worker tasks, to ensure
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] continued support. For this task, see the converted payload below. If you have many tasks that
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] require conversion, consider using the d2g tool (above) directly. It simply takes a Docker
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] Worker task payload as input, and outputs a Generic Worker task payload. It can also convert
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] Docker Worker scopes to equivalent Generic Worker scopes.
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z]
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] Converted task definition (conversion performed by d2g):
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] ---
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] created: "2024-09-17T12:48:27.799Z"
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] deadline: "2024-09-17T13:48:27.799Z"
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] dependencies: []
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] expires: "2025-09-17T13:48:27.799Z"
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] extra: {}
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] metadata:
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] description: Codetribute CI
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] name: yarn test
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] owner: [email protected]
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] source: https://github.com/mozilla-frontend-infra/codetribute
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] payload:
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] command:
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] - - bash
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] - -cx
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] - podman run -t --rm --memory-swap -1 --pids-limit -1 --ulimit host -e CI -e RUN_ID
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] -e TASK_GROUP_ID -e TASK_ID 'node:16.18.1' /bin/bash --login -c 'git clone https://github.com/nchevobbe/codetribute
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] repo && cd repo && git config advice.detachedHead false && git checkout c6b3fbcffbbe5ea50eda58d42112707ec6b0310b
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] && yarn --frozen-lockfile && yarn test'
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] env:
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] CI: "true"
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] features:
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] backingLog: true
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] liveLog: true
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] logs:
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] backing: public/logs/live_backing.log
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] live: public/logs/live.log
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] maxRunTime: 3600
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] onExitStatus:
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] retry:
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] - 125
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] - 128
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] priority: lowest
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] projectId: none
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] provisionerId: proj-misc
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] requires: all-completed
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] retries: 5
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] routes:
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] - checks
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] schedulerId: taskcluster-github
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] scopes: []
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] tags: {}
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] taskGroupId: IGfYdVW9S_CpjMKrch-aoQ
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] taskQueueId: proj-misc/ci
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z] workerType: ci
[taskcluster:warn 2024-09-17T12:50:32.845Z]
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:33.820Z] Uploading redirect artifact public/logs/live.log to URL https://community-websocktunnel.services.mozilla.com/us-central1-a.1290746110578836557.60099/log/F1z0EHpNSSCRj6rVsArymg with mime type "text/plain; charset=utf-8" and expiry 2024-09-17T14:05:33.771Z
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:50:33.899Z] Executing command 0: bash -cx 'podman run -t --rm --memory-swap -1 --pids-limit -1 --ulimit host -e CI -e RUN_ID -e TASKCLUSTER_INSTANCE_TYPE -e TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL -e TASKCLUSTER_WORKER_LOCATION -e TASK_GROUP_ID -e TASK_ID '\''node:16.18.1'\'' /bin/bash --login -c '\''git clone https://github.com/nchevobbe/codetribute repo && cd repo && git config advice.detachedHead false && git checkout c6b3fbcffbbe5ea50eda58d42112707ec6b0310b && yarn --frozen-lockfile && yarn test'\'
+ podman run -t --rm --memory-swap -1 --pids-limit -1 --ulimit host -e CI -e RUN_ID -e TASKCLUSTER_INSTANCE_TYPE -e TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL -e TASKCLUSTER_WORKER_LOCATION -e TASK_GROUP_ID -e TASK_ID node:16.18.1 /bin/bash --login -c 'git clone https://github.com/nchevobbe/codetribute repo && cd repo && git config advice.detachedHead false && git checkout c6b3fbcffbbe5ea50eda58d42112707ec6b0310b && yarn --frozen-lockfile && yarn test'
Resolved "node" as an alias (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/shortnames.conf)
Trying to pull docker.io/library/node:16.18.1...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:0380b9b3282fe25f00e7d8191dacb0167d90b7b881f05ff9b1ca72bcd38b9a6b
Copying blob sha256:fae29f309a72482bf13fbb1a8f4889ab9107fcad0c9fda76586aa55445e93ded
Copying blob sha256:28fca74d99b6532401bfe63d36e1bafb1ac839564d48aa4e6e0a6aa2706a4d12
Copying blob sha256:0b5db87f5b42af9f258f14f367616814cb9b518ea0141f46bdd2706bb256d408
Copying blob sha256:fa488706ea13a788b351252b655f6ccb88201c4bace57cf25408fda65758c518
Copying blob sha256:620af4e91dbf80032eee9f1ff66a8b04119d7a329b2a13e007d69c8a0b337bf0
Copying blob sha256:383dfecd36873ac6c0fc1feb73b2febfa30a5502bea0566c51cf170234248004
Copying blob sha256:ca59981dc274124ea3f9d421b039e54062b53aba0c04f536bbe2545a80bdba51
Copying blob sha256:4fa5c4b55a850ac871248b30c51c35c6c77adbc12258b823a725d84a6853dbc2
Copying config sha256:993a4cf9c1e80aa74567d3deea4dfa1488b94dcb024bfca9246f979845763509
Writing manifest to image destination
Cloning into 'repo'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 41989, done.
remote: Counting objects: 0% (1/712)
remote: Counting objects: 1% (8/712)
remote: Counting objects: 2% (15/712)
remote: Counting objects: 3% (22/712)
remote: Counting objects: 4% (29/712)
remote: Counting objects: 5% (36/712)
remote: Counting objects: 6% (43/712)
remote: Counting objects: 7% (50/712)
remote: Counting objects: 8% (57/712)
remote: Counting objects: 9% (65/712)
remote: Counting objects: 10% (72/712)
remote: Counting objects: 11% (79/712)
remote: Counting objects: 12% (86/712)
remote: Counting objects: 13% (93/712)
remote: Counting objects: 14% (100/712)
remote: Counting objects: 15% (107/712)
remote: Counting objects: 16% (114/712)
remote: Counting objects: 17% (122/712)
remote: Counting objects: 18% (129/712)
remote: Counting objects: 19% (136/712)
remote: Counting objects: 20% (143/712)
remote: Counting objects: 21% (150/712)
remote: Counting objects: 22% (157/712)
remote: Counting objects: 23% (164/712)
remote: Counting objects: 24% (171/712)
remote: Counting objects: 25% (178/712)
remote: Counting objects: 26% (186/712)
remote: Counting objects: 27% (193/712)
remote: Counting objects: 28% (200/712)
remote: Counting objects: 29% (207/712)
remote: Counting objects: 30% (214/712)
remote: Counting objects: 31% (221/712)
remote: Counting objects: 32% (228/712)
remote: Counting objects: 33% (235/712)
remote: Counting objects: 34% (243/712)
remote: Counting objects: 35% (250/712)
remote: Counting objects: 36% (257/712)
remote: Counting objects: 37% (264/712)
remote: Counting objects: 38% (271/712)
remote: Counting objects: 39% (278/712)
remote: Counting objects: 40% (285/712)
remote: Counting objects: 41% (292/712)
remote: Counting objects: 42% (300/712)
remote: Counting objects: 43% (307/712)
remote: Counting objects: 44% (314/712)
remote: Counting objects: 45% (321/712)
remote: Counting objects: 46% (328/712)
remote: Counting objects: 47% (335/712)
remote: Counting objects: 48% (342/712)
remote: Counting objects: 49% (349/712)
remote: Counting objects: 50% (356/712)
remote: Counting objects: 51% (364/712)
remote: Counting objects: 52% (371/712)
remote: Counting objects: 53% (378/712)
remote: Counting objects: 54% (385/712)
remote: Counting objects: 55% (392/712)
remote: Counting objects: 56% (399/712)
remote: Counting objects: 57% (406/712)
remote: Counting objects: 58% (413/712)
remote: Counting objects: 59% (421/712)
remote: Counting objects: 60% (428/712)
remote: Counting objects: 61% (435/712)
remote: Counting objects: 62% (442/712)
remote: Counting objects: 63% (449/712)
remote: Counting objects: 64% (456/712)
remote: Counting objects: 65% (463/712)
remote: Counting objects: 66% (470/712)
remote: Counting objects: 67% (478/712)
remote: Counting objects: 68% (485/712)
remote: Counting objects: 69% (492/712)
remote: Counting objects: 70% (499/712)
remote: Counting objects: 71% (506/712)
remote: Counting objects: 72% (513/712)
remote: Counting objects: 73% (520/712)
remote: Counting objects: 74% (527/712)
remote: Counting objects: 75% (534/712)
remote: Counting objects: 76% (542/712)
remote: Counting objects: 77% (549/712)
remote: Counting objects: 78% (556/712)
remote: Counting objects: 79% (563/712)
remote: Counting objects: 80% (570/712)
remote: Counting objects: 81% (577/712)
remote: Counting objects: 82% (584/712)
remote: Counting objects: 83% (591/712)
remote: Counting objects: 84% (599/712)
remote: Counting objects: 85% (606/712)
remote: Counting objects: 86% (613/712)
remote: Counting objects: 87% (620/712)
remote: Counting objects: 88% (627/712)
remote: Counting objects: 89% (634/712)
remote: Counting objects: 90% (641/712)
remote: Counting objects: 91% (648/712)
remote: Counting objects: 92% (656/712)
remote: Counting objects: 93% (663/712)
remote: Counting objects: 94% (670/712)
remote: Counting objects: 95% (677/712)
remote: Counting objects: 96% (684/712)
remote: Counting objects: 97% (691/712)
remote: Counting objects: 98% (698/712)
remote: Counting objects: 99% (705/712)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (712/712)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (712/712), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 0% (1/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 1% (4/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 2% (7/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 3% (10/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 4% (13/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 5% (16/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 6% (19/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 7% (22/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 8% (25/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 9% (29/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 10% (32/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 11% (35/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 12% (38/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 13% (41/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 14% (44/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 15% (47/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 16% (50/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 17% (54/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 18% (57/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 19% (60/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 20% (63/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 21% (66/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 22% (69/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 23% (72/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 24% (75/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 25% (78/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 26% (82/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 27% (85/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 28% (88/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 29% (91/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 30% (94/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 31% (97/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 32% (100/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 33% (103/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 34% (107/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 35% (110/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 36% (113/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 37% (116/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 38% (119/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 39% (122/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 40% (125/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 41% (128/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 42% (132/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 43% (135/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 44% (138/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 45% (141/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 46% (144/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 47% (147/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 48% (150/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 49% (153/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 50% (156/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 51% (160/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 52% (163/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 53% (166/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 54% (169/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 55% (172/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 56% (175/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 57% (178/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 58% (181/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 59% (185/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 60% (188/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 61% (191/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 62% (194/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 63% (197/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 64% (200/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 65% (203/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 66% (206/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 67% (210/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 68% (213/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 69% (216/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 70% (219/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 71% (222/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 72% (225/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 73% (228/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 74% (231/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 75% (234/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 76% (238/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 77% (241/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 78% (244/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 79% (247/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 80% (250/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 81% (253/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 82% (256/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 83% (259/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 84% (263/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 85% (266/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 86% (269/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 87% (272/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 88% (275/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 89% (278/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 90% (281/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 91% (284/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 92% (288/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 93% (291/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 94% (294/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 95% (297/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 96% (300/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 97% (303/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 98% (306/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 99% (309/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (312/312)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (312/312), done.
Receiving objects: 0% (1/41989)
Receiving objects: 1% (420/41989)
Receiving objects: 2% (840/41989)
Receiving objects: 3% (1260/41989)
Receiving objects: 4% (1680/41989)
Receiving objects: 5% (2100/41989)
Receiving objects: 6% (2520/41989)
Receiving objects: 7% (2940/41989)
Receiving objects: 8% (3360/41989)
Receiving objects: 9% (3780/41989)
Receiving objects: 10% (4199/41989)
Receiving objects: 11% (4619/41989)
Receiving objects: 12% (5039/41989)
Receiving objects: 13% (5459/41989)
Receiving objects: 14% (5879/41989)
Receiving objects: 15% (6299/41989)
Receiving objects: 16% (6719/41989)
Receiving objects: 17% (7139/41989)
Receiving objects: 18% (7559/41989)
Receiving objects: 19% (7978/41989)
Receiving objects: 20% (8398/41989)
Receiving objects: 21% (8818/41989)
Receiving objects: 22% (9238/41989)
Receiving objects: 23% (9658/41989)
Receiving objects: 24% (10078/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 25% (10498/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 26% (10918/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 27% (11338/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 28% (11757/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 29% (12177/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 30% (12597/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 31% (13017/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 32% (13437/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 33% (13857/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 34% (14277/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 35% (14697/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 36% (15117/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 37% (15536/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 38% (15956/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 39% (16376/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 40% (16796/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 41% (17216/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 42% (17636/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 43% (18056/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 44% (18476/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 45% (18896/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 46% (19315/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 47% (19735/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 48% (20155/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 48% (20447/41989), 10.41 MiB | 20.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 49% (20575/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 50% (20995/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 51% (21415/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 52% (21835/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 53% (22255/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 54% (22675/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 55% (23094/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 56% (23514/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 57% (23934/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 58% (24354/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 59% (24774/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 60% (25194/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 61% (25614/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 62% (26034/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 63% (26454/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 64% (26873/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 65% (27293/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 66% (27713/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 67% (28133/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 68% (28553/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 69% (28973/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 70% (29393/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 71% (29813/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 72% (30233/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 73% (30652/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 74% (31072/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 75% (31492/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 76% (31912/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 77% (32332/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 78% (32752/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 79% (33172/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 80% (33592/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 81% (34012/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 82% (34431/41989), 20.53 MiB | 20.53 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 83% (34851/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 84% (35271/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 85% (35691/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 86% (36111/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 87% (36531/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 88% (36951/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 89% (37371/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 90% (37791/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 91% (38210/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 92% (38630/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 93% (39050/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 94% (39470/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 95% (39890/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 96% (40310/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 97% (40730/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 98% (41150/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 99% (41570/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
remote: Total 41989 (delta 445), reused 583 (delta 388), pack-reused 41277 (from 1)
Receiving objects: 100% (41989/41989), 32.38 MiB | 21.58 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 100% (41989/41989), 38.26 MiB | 22.10 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 0% (0/13922)
Resolving deltas: 1% (142/13922)
Resolving deltas: 2% (294/13922)
Resolving deltas: 3% (422/13922)
Resolving deltas: 4% (598/13922)
Resolving deltas: 5% (766/13922)
Resolving deltas: 6% (843/13922)
Resolving deltas: 7% (1024/13922)
Resolving deltas: 8% (1119/13922)
Resolving deltas: 9% (1256/13922)
Resolving deltas: 11% (1544/13922)
Resolving deltas: 12% (1676/13922)
Resolving deltas: 13% (1811/13922)
Resolving deltas: 14% (1952/13922)
Resolving deltas: 16% (2230/13922)
Resolving deltas: 17% (2369/13922)
Resolving deltas: 18% (2506/13922)
Resolving deltas: 19% (2646/13922)
Resolving deltas: 20% (2788/13922)
Resolving deltas: 21% (2924/13922)
Resolving deltas: 22% (3077/13922)
Resolving deltas: 23% (3203/13922)
Resolving deltas: 24% (3345/13922)
Resolving deltas: 25% (3482/13922)
Resolving deltas: 26% (3620/13922)
Resolving deltas: 27% (3760/13922)
Resolving deltas: 28% (3899/13922)
Resolving deltas: 29% (4047/13922)
Resolving deltas: 30% (4182/13922)
Resolving deltas: 31% (4342/13922)
Resolving deltas: 32% (4456/13922)
Resolving deltas: 33% (4595/13922)
Resolving deltas: 34% (4740/13922)
Resolving deltas: 35% (4883/13922)
Resolving deltas: 36% (5012/13922)
Resolving deltas: 37% (5153/13922)
Resolving deltas: 38% (5291/13922)
Resolving deltas: 39% (5430/13922)
Resolving deltas: 40% (5570/13922)
Resolving deltas: 41% (5709/13922)
Resolving deltas: 42% (5848/13922)
Resolving deltas: 43% (5987/13922)
Resolving deltas: 44% (6126/13922)
Resolving deltas: 45% (6265/13922)
Resolving deltas: 46% (6405/13922)
Resolving deltas: 47% (6544/13922)
Resolving deltas: 48% (6699/13922)
Resolving deltas: 49% (6822/13922)
Resolving deltas: 50% (6984/13922)
Resolving deltas: 51% (7104/13922)
Resolving deltas: 52% (7240/13922)
Resolving deltas: 53% (7379/13922)
Resolving deltas: 54% (7518/13922)
Resolving deltas: 55% (7658/13922)
Resolving deltas: 56% (7814/13922)
Resolving deltas: 57% (7938/13922)
Resolving deltas: 58% (8077/13922)
Resolving deltas: 59% (8244/13922)
Resolving deltas: 60% (8369/13922)
Resolving deltas: 61% (8500/13922)
Resolving deltas: 62% (8632/13922)
Resolving deltas: 63% (8772/13922)
Resolving deltas: 64% (8921/13922)
Resolving deltas: 65% (9053/13922)
Resolving deltas: 66% (9189/13922)
Resolving deltas: 67% (9330/13922)
Resolving deltas: 68% (9469/13922)
Resolving deltas: 69% (9607/13922)
Resolving deltas: 70% (9755/13922)
Resolving deltas: 71% (9885/13922)
Resolving deltas: 72% (10034/13922)
Resolving deltas: 73% (10168/13922)
Resolving deltas: 74% (10307/13922)
Resolving deltas: 75% (10442/13922)
Resolving deltas: 76% (10582/13922)
Resolving deltas: 77% (10722/13922)
Resolving deltas: 78% (10860/13922)
Resolving deltas: 79% (11002/13922)
Resolving deltas: 80% (11138/13922)
Resolving deltas: 81% (11278/13922)
Resolving deltas: 82% (11417/13922)
Resolving deltas: 83% (11556/13922)
Resolving deltas: 84% (11695/13922)
Resolving deltas: 85% (11835/13922)
Resolving deltas: 86% (11973/13922)
Resolving deltas: 87% (12118/13922)
Resolving deltas: 88% (12258/13922)
Resolving deltas: 89% (12392/13922)
Resolving deltas: 90% (12531/13922)
Resolving deltas: 91% (12671/13922)
Resolving deltas: 92% (12811/13922)
Resolving deltas: 93% (12949/13922)
Resolving deltas: 94% (13087/13922)
Resolving deltas: 95% (13226/13922)
Resolving deltas: 96% (13366/13922)
Resolving deltas: 97% (13558/13922)
Resolving deltas: 98% (13652/13922)
Resolving deltas: 99% (13786/13922)
Resolving deltas: 100% (13922/13922)
Resolving deltas: 100% (13922/13922), done.
HEAD is now at c6b3fbcf Update DevTools introduction
yarn install v1.22.19
[1/5] Validating package.json...
[2/5] Resolving packages...
[3/5] Fetching packages...
[4/5] Linking dependencies...
warning " > @testing-library/[email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "@testing-library/dom@>=7.21.4".
warning "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "typescript@>=2.8.0 || >= 3.2.0-dev || >= 3.3.0-dev || >= 3.4.0-dev || >= 3.5.0-dev || >= 3.6.0-dev || >= 3.6.0-beta || >= 3.7.0-dev || >= 3.7.0-beta".
warning " > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "@types/react@>=16".
warning " > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "react@^0.14.0 || ^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0-beta || ^16.0.0".
warning " > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "react-dom@^0.14.0 || ^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0-beta || ^16.0.0".
[5/5] Building fresh packages...
Done in 80.59s.
yarn run v1.22.19
$ node scripts/test.js
PASS src/utils/extractWhiteboardTags.test.js
PASS src/images/icons.test.js
Test Suites: 2 passed, 2 total
Tests: 7 passed, 7 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 2.889 s
Ran all test suites.
Done in 3.54s.
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:52:25.103Z] Exit Code: 0
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:52:25.103Z] User Time: 25.238754s
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:52:25.103Z] Kernel Time: 5.365853s
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:52:25.103Z] Wall Time: 1m51.203932476s
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:52:25.103Z] Result: SUCCEEDED
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:52:25.103Z] === Task Finished ===
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:52:25.103Z] Task Duration: 1m51.204460624s
[taskcluster 2024-09-17T12:52:25.173Z] Uploading link artifact public/logs/live.log to artifact public/logs/live_backing.log with expiry 2025-09-17T13:48:27.799Z