I'm Moy Olvera, a Software Developer living in Mexico with primary focus in React Native and the Web. Working full time for @luxoft and @pushpay building amazing tools to shape the future [🇪🇸🇬🇧].
const aboutMe = {
currentFocus: "I aim to grow as a leader by leading through example.",
code: ["TypeScript", "Javascript", "PHP", "MySQL"],
askMeAbout: ["app dev", "web dev", "react native", "cloud", "UI/UX"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: ["React Native", "Expo", "React", "Sass", "Tailwind", "Bootstrap"],
backEnd: ["PHP", "Firebase functions", "Node"],
devOps: ["Docker", "CI/CD", "GitHub Actions"],
cloudServices: {
firebase: ["Firestore", "Auth", "RealTime DB", "Functions", "Crashlytics", "Hosting"],
aws: ["EC2", "S3", "Lambda", "CloudWatch", "RDS"],
databases: ["MySql", "Firestore", "PostgreSQL", "MongoDB", "SQLite"],
misc: ["Redux", "RTK Query", "Reanimated", "App store submission", "Performance"],
generativeAI: ["GPT"],
interestedIn: [
"How to Husband",
Last Update: 02/01/2025