Area to improve
1- Need to have a city json and use cities gem to so when user select a country via ajax I automatically list all available cities for this chosen country. 2- Need to highlight and improve the UI for weather data 3- Need to improve elasticsearch to search by part of the word to the exact. 4- give the user the option to control the metric and instead of forcing only celsuis.
to boot it up do the follow steps
1- You need to have ‘docker` and `docker-compose` utitlies install on your machine.
2- Set the ENV VARS at the ‘docker-compose.yml` file.
2- Open your terminal
3- ‘docker-compose up` - building images and launching container will fire up.
4- ‘sudo docker exec -i -t weatherme_web_1 /bin/bash`
5- ‘bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed`
6- ‘bundle exec whenever –update-crontab`
7- all set you can now test the app by visiting the following url ‘localhost:3000`