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moshix authored Feb 8, 2024
1 parent 4888c61 commit 21e2802
Showing 1 changed file with 213 additions and 0 deletions.
213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions UPNODES.REX
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
/* */
/* UPDNODES EXEC (Version : see below) */
/* */
/* by: Berthold Pasch, IBM Scientific Center Heidelberg */
/* */
/* This Exec is designed to run on VM/SP Release 3 and up. */
/* */
/* **** C O P Y R I G H T IBM Germany 1986 **** */
/* */
/* This Exec was written for and may be used free of charge in EARN, */
/* BITNET and other non-profit scientific networks. */
/* (EARN is the European Academic and Research Network, BITNET is the */
/* american counterpart of EARN). */
/* */
/* History of changes: */
/* */
/* 89/11/02 Version 1.1 Changed by H.U.Giese for compilability with */
/* REXX Compiler. */
/* Changed by B.Pasch to set the date of the */
/* updated nodes file equal to the date of the */
/* update file. This facilitates the use of a */
/* pre-generated index. */
/* 90/03/27 Version 1.2 Changed by B.Pasch: Corrected problem with */
/* blank space in disk labels. */
/* 91/09/19 Version 1.3 call to NETCNTRY EXEC deleted *Giese**/
Do 0
Say "UPDNODES Merges a NODUPD file into an old version NODES file to build"
Say " a new version of the NODES file."
Say " "
Say "Command format :"
Say " "
Say "UPDNODES updfile < oldfile < newfile >> < ( options >"
Say " "
Say " updfile is 'filename filetype filemode' of the update file to be"
Say " used. At least 'filename' must be specified. 'filetype' and"
Say " 'filemode' may be omitted (or periods may be used as place-"
Say " holders) in which case 'filetype filemode' defaults to"
Say " '"upft upfm"'."
Say " Use of '*' is allowed in any place. The first file matching"
Say " such a generic file-id will be used as 'updfile'."
Say " "
Say " oldfile is 'filename filetype filemode' of the old nodes file."
Say " If 'oldfile' is omitted it defaults to '"mnfn mnft mnfm"'."
Say " Specification of '*' is allowed in any place. The first file"
Say " matching such a generic file-id will be used as 'oldfile'."
Say " "
Say " newfile is 'filename filetype filemode' of the new nodes file which"
Say " is to contain the merged result. An '=' sign may be speci-"
Say " fied for 'filename', 'filetype' and/or 'filemode' in which"
Say " case the corresponding value of 'oldfile' will be used."
Say " If 'newfile' is omitted the output will replace 'oldfile' if"
Say " the REP option is specified."
Say " "
Say " options may be specified as follows:"
Say " -------"
Say " REPlace to replace an existing 'newfile'."
Say " Type to list the performed actions on your"
Say " terminal."
Say " NOType to suppress typing (NOType is default)."
Say " Only error messages will appear on the"
Say " terminal."

/* Specify default values */
upft = 'NODUPD'
upfm = '*'
mnfn = 'BITEARN'
mnft = 'NODES'
mnfm = '*'
wkfn = 'UPDNODES'
wkft = 'SYSUT1'
repopt = 0
type = ''

updnodes_version = '1.3 (91/09/19)'
Say 'UPDNODES version' updnodes_version

/* First of all: Select COMMAND environment for better performance */

/* Commence parameter verification */
Arg ufn uft ufm ofn oft ofm nfn nft nfm '(' options ')'
If ufn='?' | ufn = '' then Do
Call Helpmsg
If ufn='?' then Call Comexit , 0
Call Comexit , 24 /* Exit from EXEC */
End /* End of help info */

/* Determine fileid of update file */
If uft='' | uft='.' then uft = upft
If ufm='' | ufm='.' then ufm = upfm
'MAKEBUF'; bufno=rc
If rc=28 then Call Comexit , 28, ,
'File 'ufn uft ufm' not found.'
If rc^=0 then Call Comexit , rc, ,
'LISTFILE error with 'ufn uft ufm'. RC='rc'.'
Pull ufn uft ufm . . . . udt utm .
updfile = ufn uft ufm
Parse Var udt mm'/'dd'/'yy
udt = yy || right(mm,2,0) || dd
Parse Var utm hh':'mm':'ss
utm = hh || mm || ss

/* Determine fileid of old nodes file */
If ofn='' | ofn='.' then ofn = mnfn
If oft='' | oft='.' then oft = mnft
If ofm='' | ofm='.' then ofm = mnfm
If rc=28 then Call Comexit , 28, ,
'File 'ofn oft ofm' not found.'
If rc^=0 then Call Comexit , rc, ,
'LISTFILE error with 'ofn oft ofm'. RC='rc'.'
Pull ofn oft ofm . . . nblks .
'QUERY DISK 'substr(ofm,1,1)' (LIFO'
Parse Pull 7 . . . . . blksz .
reqspace = nblks * blksz * 1.1 % 1
oldfile = ofn oft ofm

/* Determine fileid of new nodes file */
If nfn='' | nfn='.' | nfn='=' then nfn = ofn
If nft='' | nft='.' | nft='=' then nft = oft
If nfm='' | nfm='.' | nfm='=' then nfm = left(ofm,1)
If nfn='*' | nft='*' | nfm='*' then Call Comexit , 24, ,
'Invalid file-id for ''newfile'': "'nfn nft nfm'".'
'STATE 'nfn nft nfm
If rc^=0 & rc^=28 then Call Comexit , rc, ,
'STATE error with 'nfn nft nfm'. RC='rc'.'
newfile = nfn nft nfm

wrkfile = wkfn wkft nfm
'STATE' wrkfile
If rc=0 then 'ERASE' wrkfile

/* Determine if outdisk is in write mode */
'QUERY DISK' substr(nfm,1,1) '(LIFO '
Parse Pull 7 . . wrmode . . blksz rest
freeblks = word(rest,words(rest)-1)
If wrmode ^= 'R/W' then Call Comexit , 36, ,
'Disk 'nfm' for ''newfile'' is not in read/write mode.'
reqblks = ( reqspace + blksz - 1 ) % blksz
If freeblks < reqblks then Do
Say 'Estimated space requirement for output file is',
((reqspace + 1023) % 1024) 'k-Bytes.'
Say 'Available space on disk 'left(nfm,1)' might not be sufficent.'
Say 'Do you wish to continue? (Yes/No):'
Parse Upper External resp .
If ^abbrev('YES',resp,1) then Call Comexit , 16

/* Check options */
Do n=1 while options^=''
Parse Var options option options
When abbrev('REPLACE',option,3) then repopt = 1
When abbrev('TYPE',option,1) then type = 'SERMON'
When abbrev('NOTYPE',option,3) then type = ''
Otherwise Call Comexit , 24, ,
'Invalid option detected: 'option'.'
End /* Select */
End n

If repopt=0 & newexist^=28 then Call Comexit , 28, ,
'''Newfile'': "'newfile'" exists already.'



If rc=0 then Do
If newexist=0 then 'ERASE 'newfile
'RENAME 'wrkfile newfile
'LSVSDATE 'newfile udt utm
Call Comexit 'UONT', 0
Else Call Comexit 'UONT', rc, 'UPDNODES error. RC='rc'.'

Exit 9999

/* Common exit routine */
/* Call Comexit action, exitcode < , msg1 < , msg2 , ... > > */
/* action: u = dealloc updfile, o = dealloc oldfile */
/* n = dealloc newfile, t = dealloc sysprint */
/* w = erase wrkfile */
Arg action, exitcode, .
'DROPBUF' bufno
If pos('U',action)^=0 then 'FILEDEF DELTA CLEAR'
If pos('O',action)^=0 then 'FILEDEF OLD CLEAR'
If pos('N',action)^=0 then 'FILEDEF NEW CLEAR'
If pos('T',action)^=0 then 'FILEDEF SYSPRINT CLEAR'
If pos('W',action)^=0 then 'ERASE' wrkfile
Do nmsg=3 for arg()-2
Say arg(nmsg)
Exit exitcode

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