CanJS is a MIT-licensed, client-side, JavaScript framework that makes building rich web applications easy.
I am using this pulled from to demonstrate my knowledge of the tools provided. I am extending this basic front end todo app with a RESTFUL API that will provide the services and store the data. This will also be hooked up to sockets so that the data will be live bound to the server and any other users out there.
The CanJS TodoMVC example uses can.Component introduced in CanJS 2.0. can.Component supports declarative view bindings using Mustache/Handlebars as the template syntax.
Version 2 is mostly backwards compatible with previous 1.1.x version. For alternative architecture examples have a look at the TodoMVC 1.2.0 CanJS example.
CanJS is the extracted, more modern and more library-like MVC parts of JavaScriptMVC, formerly known as jQueryMX.
JavaScriptMVC 3.3 uses CanJS for the MVC structure so this TodoMVC example applies to JavaScriptMVC as well.
Additionally, JavaScriptMVC contains:
- CanJS - For the MVC parts
- jQuery++ - jQuery's missing utils and special events
- StealJS - A JavaScript package manager
- DocumentJS - A documentation engine
- FuncUnit - jQuery style functional unit testing