This extension allows you to use Google Base to list products for free that will appear in Google Product Search (
Create google base account. Create google base ftp account (if applicable). Create data feed in google base with a type "Products" and name "google_base.xml".
Clone the git repo to SPREE_ROOT/vendor/extensions/google_base or install the extension
git clone git:// google_base
script/extension install git://
Run rake db:migrate from SPREE_ROOT
Edit product_type, priorities in spree admin.
Edit SPREE_ROOT/vendor/extensions/google_base/lib/google_base_configuration.rb to set preferences for the feed title, public domain, feed description, ftp login and password. FTP login is not required - you may schedule upload from the public directory.
Set RAILS_ENV to production
Run rake google_base:generate to generate feed. Verify feed exists (SPREE_ROOT/public/google_base.xml).
There are two options to regulate google base product update:
A) Setup cronjobs to run 'rake google_base:generate' and 'rake google_base:transfer'
B) Setup cronjob to run 'rake google_base:generate' and schedule the file to be uploaded via Google Base admin from public_domain/google_base.xml
Refer to spree: ruby on rails ecommerce to learn more about spree.