Gitpilot is a command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to simplify and streamline common Git operations. With an intuitive command structure, Gitpilot allows you to manage your Git repositories efficiently.
- Time travel create and push commit into the past or future, yes i'm serious, checkout(
) commands - Commit changes with a custom message or by selecting files interactively.
- Push and pull changes to and from branches.
- Create and switch branches effortlessly.
- Manage tags with the ability to create and list annotated tags.
- Stash changes and apply stashes as needed.
- Undo commits or amend the last commit with a new message.
- Cherry-pick commits from your Git history.
- Resolve merge conflicts and manage Git configurations easily.
- Saves time and effort by simplifying command syntax.
- Streamlines Git operations for developers of all levels.
- Simplifies complex Git commands through a user-friendly interface.
- Enhances Git workflow efficiency.
To install Gitpilot globally, run:
npm install -g gitpilot
Once installed globally, you can access Gitpilot commands directly from your terminal. Simply type gitpilot <command>
followed by any necessary arguments. Refer to the specific command descriptions for detailed usage instructions.
To commit staged changes with a message "Updated README":
gitpilot commit "Updated README"
Commit changes:
gitpilot commit "Your commit message"
Undo the last commit:
gitpilot commit "Your commit message"
Commit to specific time (past or future):
gitpilot backdate "Your commit message" "2000-03-22"
gitpilot commitOn "Your commit message" "2000-03-22"
Edit the last commit's message:
gitpilot amend-commit "New commit message"
Push changes:
gitpilot push [branch]
Pull changes:
gitpilot pull [branch]
Create a new branch:
gitpilot create-branch <branchName>
List all branches:
gitpilot list-branches
Delete a local branch:
gitpilot delete-branch <branchName>
Create an annotated tag:
gitpilot create-tag <tagName> "Your tag message"
List all tags:
gitpilot list-tags
Stash changes:
gitpilot stash
Apply a stash:
gitpilot apply-stash [stashIndex]
List all stashes:
gitpilot list-stashes
Unstage files:
gitpilot unstage <files...>
Cherry-pick a commit:
gitpilot cherry-pick <commitHash>
Resolve merge conflicts:
gitpilot resolve-conflicts
Set Git configuration:
gitpilot set-config <key> <value> [global]
Get Git configuration:
gitpilot get-config <key>