Note that Jungle CSS v2 is in active development, the current version is not ready for production use!
Jungle is a set of HTML and CSS components that can be used independently of each other, following the Ygdir convention, themed with a set of great defaults.
We provide the following components:
- Button [WIP]
- Button group
- Block list
- Content
- Modal
- Navbar
- Toolbar
Javascript components (using Popper)
- Popover [WIP]
- Tooltip [WIP]
We provide the following defaults:
- A CSS reset
- A type scaling system
Visit our website at
npm i junglecss --save
Load in the full CSS file:
@import "../../node_modules/junglecss/scss/junglecss";
(Paths will depend on your specific framework)
This is useful for checking out Ygdir. In production, you will want to load in parts of the CSS, meant for specific things, by hand:
@import "../../node_modules/ygdir/scss/junglecss/reset"; // Always start with the reset
@import "../../node_modules/ygdir/scss/junglecss/e-base"; // Always load base elements as well
@import "../../node_modules/ygdir/scss/junglecss/c-button"; // Every other element is optional
@import "../../node_modules/ygdir/scss/junglecss/c-block-list";
@import "../../node_modules/ygdir/scss/junglecss/c-toolbar";
To get some inspiration on packages you would use for different contexts, check out jungle-content-website.scss
and jungle-app.scss
Run the following command:
npm run dev
This will run the Sass compiler with a “watch” style command, which compiles your CSS on save.
To use Jungle from a CDN:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">