Technology used-
- React js
- firebase
- Preline UI - Tailwind CSS component library
- mongodb
- node js
- express js
Some featured of the project-
This is a food donate website. If you want you can donate your extra food here. While donating any food you must sing in first and while donating you have to give your food image, food name, pickup location, expired date, quantity and additional note. You will be given a success message with a toast when your donation is Added.
If you want, you can see all your donated food on the manage my food page and if you want, you can update any food information and delete any food.
If you click on the view button on the manage my food page, you can see how many people have applied for the specific food you have donated. you can deliver food to anyone there if you want. The food delivered by you will be deleted from the available food page.
You can apply for any food if you want, in this case you have to go to the detail page of that food and click on the request button. Then it will come to you modal, you can complete the application for donation amount and additional note information in modal.
You can see all the food you have applied for on the my food request page. You can cancel your request for any meal. But there is a condition if the food request is pending then you can cancel it but if it has been delivered then you can't cancel the food request.
The home page has a nice slider, which automatically slides every 3 seconds, and you can move to the left, right page by clicking the left right button.
You can see the maximum quantity of 6 foods in the featured foods section of the home page And below it you can see a see all button, clicking on that button will take you to the available food page. Where you can see all the food
On the Available Foods page, you can search for any food by name using the search field, and clicking the Expiry Date button will show you all foods with the lowest expiration date. In that case food with less expiry date can be delivered faster
Initially 3 nav links will show in navbar (home, available food, sing in) but after sing in you will see 3 more nav links (add food, manage my food and request my food). All users can see the food they have added on the My Food Management page and all the food they have applied for on the My Food Request page. But this 3 not seen before sing in.
On this website you can create accounts with email and password, moreover, there are opportunities for google sing in and github sing in