Mongoid 8.1.0 is a feature release in 8.x series with the following significant new functionality:
- MONGOID-5370 API for creating time series collections
- MONGOID-4528 Support for 'saved_change_to_attribute', 'attribute_before_last_save' and 'will_save_change_to_attribute'
- MONGOID-5293 Add Rails-style defaults &
- MONGOID-5445 Concurrent query execution
- MONGOID-5596 Deprecate Mongoid::QueryCache in favor of Mongo::QueryCache
The following issues were fixed:
- MONGOID-5542 Prevention of double calls in callbacks
- MONGOID-5600 Mongoid 8 breaks "build"
- MONGOID-5520 Criteria ordering fails for non-numeric values (ex: { '$meta' => 'textScore' })
- MONGOID-5582 Support shard keys based on subdocument fields
- MONGOID-5474 Raise Mongoid::Errors::ReadonlyDocument when saving readonly documents
- MONGOID-5417 Memory leak when using with()
- MONGOID-5539 Find requires Pipeline aggregation to be coerced into an array
- MONGOID-5547 rake db:mongoid:create_indexes fails for models that are stored outside of /app/models.
- MONGOID-3834 unable to access parent when setting child attribute
- MONGOID-5441 Thread.current[:session] is not prefixed
- MONGOID-5436 legacy_triple_equals used incorrectly
The following additional improvements were made:
- MONGOID-5465 Single-value .in should convert to .where (resolve deprecated .in scalar value behavior)
- MONGOID-5620 delete_one on embeds_many is callable and is not consistent with delete
- MONGOID-5617 Improve performance of _matches?()
- MONGOID-5595 Forward explain options to driver
- MONGOID-5590 Shard keys do not support fields with "." in their name
- MONGOID-5509 Deprecate feature flags which were introduced in Mongoid 7.x
- MONGOID-5226 Allow setting "store_in collection" on document subclass
- MONGOID-4698 Warn about attempts to define text_search scope (and others?)
- MONGOID-5458 Document fallbacks option on localized fields
- MONGOID-4403 Support Dirty Tracking changed from /to
- MONGOID-5438 Implement local override for i18n parameters
- MONGOID-5437 Extract fallback enabling logic into macro
- MONGOID-5334 Review mongoization/demongoization/evolution behavior for localized fields
- MONGOID-5490 Deprecate and remove use_activesupport_time_zone (should always be true)
- MONGOID-5228 Allow _ids to be modified in embedded documents
- MONGOID-5453 Add .none_of query method
- MONGOID-5363 Change #upsert to perform updating upsert rather than replacing upsert
- MONGOID-5281 Respect aliases in embedded documents when querying
- MONGOID-5100 ActiveRecord parity: allow selector arguments for .exists?
- MONGOID-5264 Add some way to strip out blank localized values before saving model
- MONGOID-5422 Mongoid.configure should allow arg-less block
- MONGOID-4979 Add :touch option to model save method
- MONGOID-5418 AR Feature Parity first!/last!/second etc.