This is a preview release of the next feature release of Mongoid - version 7.1.0.
The principal improvement in Mongoid 7.1 is the unified treatment of logical operations when building queries (i.e., operating on Criteria
objects). This makes Mongoid's behavior match that of ActiveRecord, and results in consistent queries being constructed regardless of the mechanism used to construct them. The following tickets cover individual changes made:
- MONGOID-4697 Implement Arel-style "and", "or" and "not" combination of scopes
- MONGOID-4808 Require that Criteria strategies are explicitly requested, use $and behavior by default for all/in/nin
- MONGOID-4810 Require criteria methods be provided arguments
- MONGOID-4806 Produce the same query shapes with Criteria#where and Criteria#and
- MONGOID-4689 Mongoid::Criteria#find searches globally, does not restrict to criteria
- MONGOID-4813 not does not negate where with string argument
- MONGOID-4805 Criteria#not generates invalid queries when called with keyword arguments
Mongoid 7.1 also includes the following other query-related bug fixes:
- MONGOID-4460 Date.mongoize(String) should not convert string to local time first
- MONGOID-4673 Fix DateTime evolvement to UTC time
- MONGOID-4664 Consistently transform times for queries
- MONGOID-4769 embeds_many mishandles positional projections (foo.$)
- MONGOID-4672 Default order in
association causes association to use/return stale data - MONGOID-2681 Using #only with embedded documents sets omitted fields to default values
The following other assorted improvements and bug fixes have been made:
- MONGOID-4648 HABTM with foreign_key & primary_key set does not create reverse association
- MONGOID-4593 Model.set hash merge behavior does not match $set
- MONGOID-4652 Option to join multiple allow atomic persistence contexts into a single context
- MONGOID-4562 Accept integers for Mongoid::Config.log_level
- MONGOID-4797 Change default log destination to stderr
- MONGOID-4741 Include Mongoid::Timestamps in generated models by default
- MONGOID-4533 Deprecate Symbol field type