Releases: moleculer-go/moleculer
v0.3.5 TCP Transporter - Bug FIxes
Bug fixes on UDP Discovery flow and gossip protocol.
v0.3.4 TCP Transporter
New TCP Transporter compatible with Moleculer JS. Compatibility tests here:
v0.3.3 - Fix registry - handle when services are removed from remote nodes
v0.3.3 - Fix registry - handle when services are removed from remote nodes
Issues solved: When a remote node (JS or Golang) removes any of its services and send a new set of node info, the moleculer go register was removing these services properly.
This update fixes that issue.
Fix payload handling of keys with "."
Fix payload handling of keys with "."
having issue with v0.3.1
server response: not found:[email protected]: invalid version: unknown revision v0.3.1
Fix payload handling of keys with "."
Fix payload handling of keys with "."
Fix payload handling of keys with "."
Fix payload handling of keys with "."
Protocol v4 Compatibility
Moleculer JS Protocol v4 Compatibility
Test suite:
Updated dependencies and go.mod
Updated dependencies and go.mod
Minor improvements to stability and concurrency
Minor improvements to stability and concurrency
Mostly related to improved unit testing.
payload.Get(<path>) support ! -> . (dot) separated paths are now supported by payload.Get()
Support for . (dot) separated paths in the payload objects
//convenient access
// indexed arrays
p := New(map[string]interface{}{
"name": "John",
"lastname": "Snow",
"address": M{
"street": "jonny ave",
"country": M{
"code": "NZ",
"name": "New Zealand",
"options": []M{
"label": "item 1",
"label": "item 2",
Expect(p.Get("address.street").String()).Should(Equal("jonny ave"))
Expect(p.Get("address.options[0].label").String()).Should(Equal("item 1"))
Expect(p.Get("address.options[1].label").String()).Should(Equal("item 2"))