a simple and tiny HTTP framework for php
The framework is consisted of these parts and features:
This simple framework implements Front-end Controller pattern like most famous frameworks by having single index.php file that all requests can touch nothing but this file.
Inside the body of index.php, it instantiates a kernel in a singleton way to access its handle method which in this case accepts a request and delivers a response
provides an easy-to-follow, object-oriented layer on top of request
provides an intuitive object-oriented way for interacting with the actual response being delivered and sent to client
handles routing in a fast manner powered by FastRoute. It also includes controllers and the actual route is being dispatched to the chosen method of the controller.
... I may continue developing this tiny framework.
This project is made for fun, and It's NOT suitable for production.
inside this project the HTTP Foundation by Symfony is being used. for developing I used var-dumper by Symfony which is hugely useful in debugging. And also for routing, FastRoute by N.Popov is the actual routing engine under the hood.
© Mohammad Mahdi Taheri - July 2023