Welcome to the E-Commerce project repository! This project is built using React and Redux, along with several other libraries and tools. It aims to provide a feature-rich e-commerce platform with a focus on a seamless user experience and dynamically no stock no render item and then stock less than 10 Pcs render warning message .
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Redux: A predictable state container for JavaScript applications.
- Redux AsyncThunk: Middleware for handling asynchronous operations in Redux.
- React Router: A declarative routing library for React applications.
- Lazy Load: A technique for loading components or assets only when they are needed.
- Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making requests to APIs.
- Bootstrap Icons: A collection of free, high-quality icons.
- React Skeleton: A library for creating loading skeletons to improve perceived performance.
- React Slick: A responsive carousel component for React.
- React UUID: A library for generating unique identifiers.
- React Toastify: A notification library for React applications.
- Persist Hook: A hook for persisting state in React applications.
- Closure Function: Used for calculating the total amount, considering discounts, shipping costs, and free shipping. -Dynamic: dynamically no stock no render item and then stock less than 10 Pcs render warning message
The project follows a modular structure to enhance maintainability and scalability. Here's a brief overview:
- src/
- components/: Reusable React components.
- features/: Feature-specific components and logic.
- pages/: Main application views and pages.
- utils/: Utility functions and helpers.
- lib/: External libraries or helper functions.
- data/: Mock or static data used in the application.
- assets/: Images, stylesheets, and other static assets.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/MM3-class/commerce-jacky.git