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Todo app

This is a personal project on creating a todo list API.

To Get Started

Before you run the project, rename the env.sample to env.local and include your database dsn. If not, you will encounter an error.

To get started, clone the project onto your local. Once you have cloned the project, use go mod download to download the project's dependencies. After the dependencies has been downloaded, you can run the project go run ./cmd/api.

File Structure

|-- bin // contains our compiled application binaries, ready for deployment to a production server
|-- cmd
|    |-- api // contains the application specific code. This includes the code for running the server, reading and writing http requests and managing authentication
|-- internal // contains various packages used by the API and the code interacting with the database, data validation, sending emails etc.
|-- migrations // contains SQL migration files for the database
|-- remote // contains the configuration files and setup scripts for the production server
|-- go.mod // to declare the project dependencies, versions and module path
|-- Makefile // contains the recipes for automating common admin tasks e.g. audit the Go code, building binaries and executing database migrations


  1. httprouter – For routing
  2. pq – For PostgreSQL database driver
  3. godotenv – To load environment variables
  4. golang-migrate – SQL migrations

Available Endpoints

Method URL Pattern Handler Action
GET /api/v1/healthcheck healthcheckHandler Show application information
GET /api/v1/todos showAllTodosHandler Show all todos
POST /api/v1/todos createTodoHandler Create a new todo
GET /api/v1/todos/:id showTodoHandler Show the details of a specific todo
PATCH /api/v1/todos/:id updateTodoHandler Update the details of a specific todo
DELETE /api/v1/todos/:id deleteTodoHandler Delete a specific todo


To run the application on a different port and environment, we can use the -port and -env flags:

go run ./cmd/api -port=3030 -env=production


Todo List API





