Now we're talking! Internet real chat project of 42 / codam, made by tnuyten and ageels. Several IRC clients exist, we used IRSSI as a reference.
To start the server, make the program and run "./ircserv [port] [password]".
- Port: The port number on which our IRC server will be listening to for incoming IRC connections.
- Password: The connection password. It will be needed by any IRC client that tries to connect to our server.
Our IRC server has the following features implemented:
◦ Ability to authenticate, set a nickname, a username, join a channel, send and receive private messages using IRSSI.
◦ All the messages sent from one client to a channel are forwarded to every other client that joined the channel.
◦ Operators and regular users are implemented.
◦ Implementation of the following features:
* KICK - Eject a client from the channel
* INVITE - Invite a client to a channel
* TOPIC - Change or view the channel topic
* MODE - Change the channel's mode:
- i: Set/remove Invite-only channel
- t: Set/remove the restrictions of the TOPIC command to channel operators
- k: Set/remove the channel key (password)
- o: Give/take channel operator privilege
- l: Set/remote the user limit to channel