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MoEngage Flutter Plugin

This repository contains the Flutter plugins for the MoEngage platform.

Repository Description

Folder Description
packages/moengage_flutter Contains the implementation for the SDK implementation for Core MoEngage Platform
packages/moengage_inbox Contains the implementation for the SDK implementation for Inbox Feature
packages/moengage_cards Contains the implementation for the SDK implementation for Cards Feature
packages/moengage_geofence Contains the implementation for the SDK implementation for Geofence Feature
example Sample Integration for reference.

How to run the sample application?

Update MoEngage Workspace Id/AppId

Before running the sample application, you need to update your MoEngage workspace-id(Previously referred as AppId) in various files as follows:


  • In the example/lib/constants.dart file, update the WORKSPACE_ID constant with your actual Workspace ID from the MoEngage Dashboard.

    const String WORKSPACE_ID = '<YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID>';


Add the MoEngage app-id in the file of example --> android. Add the below key and value and replace `moengageWorkspaceId`` with the Workspace Id on the MoEngage Dashboard.

  • Replace your google-services.json file in the example/android/app directory.


  • In the example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift file, update the yourWorkspaceID variable with your actual App ID.

    let yourWorkspaceID = "<YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID>"
  • Add your GoogleService-Info.plist file to the example/ios/Runner directory.


  • In the example/web/index.html file, update the moeWorkspaceID variable with your actual App ID.

     var moeWorkspaceID = "<YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID>";

Running the Application

After updating the Workspace ID and placing the necessary platform-specific files, follow the instructions below to run the application:

  1. Setup project using melos bootstrap command in the root directory.
  2. Open the terminal and navigate to the example directory.
  3. Run flutter pub get to fetch all the dependencies.
  4. To run on Android or iOS, connect a device or start an emulator.
  5. Run the application with flutter run for your targeted platform.

Ensure that you have set up the development environment for Flutter and the respective platform you are targeting (Android Studio/Xcode for Android/iOS, updated web browser for Web) before attempting to run the sample application.