Minimal winbar plugin with
- Different highlights for active and inactive windows
- Icons and Interactive close button
My other plugins
- BottomLine.nvim - Statusline plugin
- TopLine.nvim - Tabline plugin
Plug 'mnjm/winline.nvim'
" Optional dependency for icons
Plug 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons'
use {
-- optional dependency for icons
requires = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons', opt = true }
dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' }
To start winline, add below line in your neovim config
You can pass custom config to override default configs to setup call, for ex
enable = true,
always_show = false,
enable_icons = true,
close_icon = "",
display_buf_no = true,
-- seperators = { '', '' },
seperators = { '', '' },
Available default configuration options
enable = true,
enable_icons = false,
close_icon = "X", -- "" to disable close button
display_buf_no = false, -- add buf no to end of winbar
always_show = false, -- if false, will display only when more than 1 window in tabpage
seperators = { '', '' },
-- Winbar highlights
highlights = {
-- active
WinLineTitle = {fg="#282c34", bg="#5fafd7", bold=true },
WinLineFill = {link = 'TabLineFill'},
WinLineBuf = {link = 'TabLineSel'},
WinLineCloseButton = {fg="#d70000", bg="#98c379", bold=true},
-- inative
WinLineInactiveTitle = {fg="#282c34", bg="#585858", bold=true },
WinLineInactiveFill = {link = 'TabLineFill'},
WinLineInactiveBuf = {link = 'TabLine'},
WinLineInactiveCloseButton = {fg="#d70000", bg="#444444", bold=true},
License MIT