This module provides standalone routines to compute various forms of the RESCAL tensor factorization.
RESCAL factors a (usually sparse) three-way tensor X such that each frontal slice X_k is factored into
X_k = A * R_k * A.T
The frontal slices of X are quadratic, possibly asymmetric N x N matrices. Usually, these matrices correspond to the sparse adjacency matrices of the relational graph for a particular relation in a multi-relational data set.
A copy of this standalone module of RESCAL is also included in the scikit-tensor libray.
The required dependencies to build the software are Numpy >= 1.3
, SciPy >= 0.7
Example script to decompose kinships data using RESCAL-ALS:
import logging
from import loadmat
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
from rescal import rescal_als
# Set logging to INFO to see RESCAL information
# Load Matlab data and convert it to dense tensor format
T = loadmat('data/alyawarra.mat')['Rs']
X = [lil_matrix(T[:, :, k]) for k in range(T.shape[2])]
# Decompose tensor using RESCAL-ALS
A, R, fit, itr, exectimes = rescal_als(X, 100, init='nvecs', lambda_A=10, lambda_R=10)
For more examples on the usage of RESCAL, please see the examples directory in the source tree.
If you use
in your research, please cite
Maximilian Nickel, Volker Tresp, Hans-Peter-Kriegel,
"A Three-Way Model for Collective Learning on Multi-Relational Data",
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'11),
809--816, ACM, Bellevue, WA, USA, 2011
Maximilian Nickel, Volker Tresp, Hans-Peter-Kriegel,
"Factorizing YAGO: Scalable Machine Learning for Linked Data"
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW'12),
271--280, ACM, Lyon, France, 2012
This package uses distutils, which is the default way of installing python modules. To install in your home directory, use::
python install --user
To install for all users on Unix/Linux
python build
sudo python install
To install in development mode
python develop
Maximilian Nickel is licensed under the GPLv3