Completing this assignment depends on knowing:
- Basic JavaScript: variables, functions, conditionals
- jQuery: DOM traversal, adding/removing items from the DOM, setting/getting attributes, & iteration
- Click on items to remove them from the list
- Add Item button should:
- hide the button
- show the form
- Form submit should:
- add a new item to the list
- then hide the form
- show the New Item button
- The list should be saved to the browser storage so that when you bring up the page it remembers what it looked like when you last closed it (in this browser).
JavaScript code:
- Use the module pattern to keep things out of global scope
- Use functions to break down the functionality into small tasks
- Practice good coding standards with clear variable and function names, use $ for variables that will hold jQuery objects, use ES6
instead ofvar
When you are done, push your files to GitHub, then make sure that your page displays and runs correctly on the GitHub website.
Don't forget the Pull Request. Put a screenshot of the open request in the assignment dropbox.