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This Repository contains the notes taken from the acupuncture training class.



Panchabhoothams are the five elements of nature which are "Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Akash"

These elements are termed as "Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood"

  • As Panchabootas are the building blocks of universe, the same Panchabootas are the building blocks of human body too.
  • Even for all types of medicine, the same applies be it any kind of medicine like siddha, ayurvedha or alopathy.
  • If anyone of panchaboota is lower or higher, the body will malfunction and result in diseases or other impacts on the body ranging form small uncomfortability to serious diseases.
  • By nature, our body is capable of healing itself or balancing panchabootas automatically if rest is given to body.
  • For example, when a patient is admitted to hospital he/she will be given saline and put them to sleep or rest to observe for some time. This method will help body to fight and balance all the elements to regain the actual state of body.

Panchaboota evolution per acupuncture

Being fire is a source, it will create earth then earth will create metal which will agin create water which then creates wood, it again creates fire.

The same is represented as: fire -> earth -> metal -> water -> wood

  • uzing means panchabhootams
  • zing means parimana valarchi that is changing from one state to another

Panchaboothams and Relations

  • As fire created earth, fire becoes mother and earth becomes son
  • As earth created metal, earth becoes mother and metal becomes son
  • As metal created water, metal becoes mother and water becomes son
  • As water created wood, water becoes mother and wood becomes son
  • As wood created fire, wood becoes mother and fire becomes son

It is pcturized as follows:

Bhootams mother son
Fire wood earth
Earth Fire Metal
Metal Earth Water
Water Metal Wood
Wood Water Fire


Yin, Yang (sivam, sakthi)

Yin is form of masculine energy like day, hot, hard, expressive, bold Yang is a form of feminine energy like night, cold, calm & confined, soft

In every aspect, there is a yin and yang.

  • If there is a yin, then there is a yang too.
  • If there is a yang, then there is a yin.

Both are interconnected like arthanaageswarar. However, the strength or power of it matters, the conditions can be as follows:

  • If Yin may be high but yang will be low
  • If Yang may be high but yin will be low
  • There is possible both of them are present in equal propotion


Pathway of Qi(chi) Energy

**4 Chi Energies

  • one for Head
  • one for Chest
  • One for Abdomen
  • One for Legs

Chest & Abdomen Chi is closely related to "Back shu & Front mu" points

**4 seas in body

  • Sea of Maron - lies in head
    • Du 20, 16 - Important for treating brain marrow diseases
  • Sea of Qi - lies in chest - Lung domainates chi & Ancestral Qi
    • Du 13, 14, st 9 - to treat chi diseases
  • Sea of Water & food - lies in upper abdomen - to treat stomach & chi nutritive & protective
    • st30, st 36
  • Sea of blood - lies in lower abdomen - Sea that flows in entire body and all meridians
    • st37, bl11, st39


There are 12 Major Parts of body which are associated with each of five elements (panchaboothas) Each of 12 parts are responsible for certain actions or tasks in body. Every part in the respective element are interrelated too and not independent.

Body Parts for Fire Element

  • Heart (h) - Responsible for pumping and purification of blood
  • Pericardium (p) - Responsible for protecting the heart with a layer enclosing the heart. It helps protect heart from any higher sounds or disturbances from the environment which hampers the functionality of heart.
  • Small Intestine (si) - Responsible for absorbing vitamins, proteins from the food
  • Tripple Warmer (tw) - Responsible for stimulating heat in 3 areas near heart, lower abs.

Body Parts for Earth Element

  • Stomach (st) - Responsible for digestion
  • Spleen (sp) - Responsible for purification of blood that contains dead cells or fight against germs

Body Parts for Metal Element

  • Lungs (lu) - Responsible for absoribing oxygen in air and pass it to RBC
  • Large Intestine (li) - Responsible for absorbing water, salt and electrolytes from food

Body Parts for Water Element

  • Kidney (k) - Responsible for filtering blood to remove all the wastes
  • Urinal Bladder (ub) - Responsible for storing the urine and excreting from the body

Body Parts for Wood Element

  • Liver (lv) - Responsible for creating medicine required to cure diseases. It also called as "Acid Factory"
  • Gal Bladder (gb) - Responsible for storing the acid water which is used to digest the food. It is called as "Pitha Pai"

Projection of Five Elements and Sakthi

Element Body Part Symbol Sakthi
Fire Heart h Yin
Fire Pericardium p Yin
Fire Small Intestine si Yang
Fire Tripple Warmer tw Yang
Earth Stomach st Yin
Earth Spleen sp Yang
Metal Lungs lu Yin
Metal Large Intestine li Yang
Water Kidney k Yin
Water Urinal Bladder ub Yang
Wood Liver liv Yin
Wood Gal Bladder gb Yang


In Accupuncture, we mainly focus on "Unavu & Uyir" sakthi, we stimulate the sakthi passing paths to spread the sakthi whereever is reduced. This cures the deficiency of any sakthi and makes body healthier.

There are 5 types of sakthi exist are as:

  1. Kaatru Satkhi (Air)

It is also known as "Pranan". This sakthi enter in our body through breath (Air).

  1. Unavu Sakthi (Food)

This sakthi is absorbed in our body through the foods that we eat. Our body can function and stimulate all organs through food and grabs the required proteins from it.

  1. Kolgal Sakthi (Planet)

This sakthi is absorbed from the planets in the universe, it is impacting us through various means.

  1. Uyir Sakthi (Soul)

This sakthi is inside our body and will be charged through cosmic energy. If this sakthi is not present, we will die.

5 Panja Bhootha Sakthi (5 Elements)

This sakthi is produced when the child borns as uyir. Uyir formed with these 5 elements and always helps stimulate the sakthi in body whenever any of the elements is lower.



Heart is located in the lower portion of chest bones where it is slanted left towards the lungs on the chest cavity. It is the main organ of human body that acts as transportation system to send oxygen contained blood to body and receives co2 contained blood from body. The orgain is created with a special type of muscle which no other organ has in the body.

It is a created with a special muscle and is in a form of net tied up together. There are 4 lobes in heart named as Left & Right Auricle that faces upwards and Left & Right Ventricle that faces downwards. Left Ventricle splits into 2 arteries and is called "Aorta". Each artery further split into two and becomes 4.

  • One artery splits into 2 and goes to brain and face
  • One artery splits into 2 and goes to uparms and shoulders
  • One artery splits into 2 and goes to body trunk back & front side
  • One artery splits into 2 and goes to legs

Right Aricle receives used blood from entire body. It splits to 2 veins, one faces upwards and one faces downwards. Upward vein receives blood from brain, arms and downward vein receives blood from trunk, legs. Once aricle is filled, the valve gets closed and the blood flows into right ventricle which then transmits to "Pulmenary Artery" and it sends the blood into entire "Lungs" and the capillaries in the alveoli of lungs obsorbs Co2 and adds "oxygen" to blood. It is further transmitted to "Pulmenary Vein" and is passed onto "Left Aricle". Once it is filled, the valve opens and blood dumped into "Left Ventricle" that passes the Pure blood to entire body.

Heart is the main part of our body as it passes the blood to all the parts of body as per their requirement on a dynamic basis.

It is located in between "two lungs" as the nerves of heart are located in the left side of chest and the vibrations are usually occured over there.

There are 4 four Blocks (araigal) in the heart and 3 are having work and one is idle in it.

Top 2 blocks are aricles and bottom 2 blocks are ventricles

Left 2 blocks receives only pure blood (Sutha ratham) and Right 2 blocks receives only impure (asutha ratham) blood.

With the help of aricles, the heart sends the exact amount of blood needed by a part.

With the help of ventricles, the heart pumps impure blood out to lungs for purification.

Properties of Heart

Thanmai - Yin AmaivIdam - Iru Nuraieeral naduvil Yang-Inai Uruppu (Related Yang Part) - Small Intestine (SI) Moolaga Porul (Element) - Fire Aalumai Neram (Preferred Period) - 11 AM to 1 PM

Main Functions of Heart

  1. Blood and Blood Vessels Management (Aalumai)
  2. Reflecting Facial Expressions (Muga Unarvugalai Pradhibalithal)
  3. Handling Heart Feelings (Mana Unarvugalai Kaiaaluthal)
  4. Sakthi Naalam Naakhil thirakiradhu (Power Reflects in Tongue)

The heart usually pumps blood to all the parts of the body whenever they required and as per the ratio exactly. If any of the body part requires blood on urgency, then it will pump the blood fastly as per the requirement. Hence it will beat fastly due to the requirement and pressure will be high at that time which may reflect as "BP". For example, if the blood is flowing correctly and blood is high in the body, the person will be brighter else will appear as dull. As the blood is not flown properly to all the parts of body. If you make knuckles and open up then you will see red color on that area if not it will appear as whiten there which reflects the flow of blood.

Manam is the main reason for many of the things that happen in our body and life. As the manam may be referred as heart or brain but we can't say where is manam exactly. However, wherever you focus correctly then manam will be at that point. If the manam is focussed and if we do something it will be 100% success. If the manam is happy the heart works perfect and keeps the body healthy.

Sakthi Naalam Naakhil thirakiradhu which means the tongue reflects the working of heart. If we look at the tongue, if it appears cracked and reddish which means blood flow is less or if it appears whiten and cracked it means blood is not circulated properly it means heart is not pumping blood properly.

Facial Expressions are the reflection of how heart is behaving at that point of time. If a person is angry, the heart will send all the blood to the face and person becomes hyper. If the face is happy and brighter, then the heart is sending the blood properly as per the requirement.

Parts of Heart

Left & Right Aricles (Atriyam) Left & Right Ventricles Aorta - Big Blood Vessel Pulmonary Vein & Arteries

We usually say heart as left and right heart. The left heart consists of left aricles or atriyam and ventricles along with pulmonary vein. The right heart consists of Right aricles or atriyam & ventricles along with pulmonary arteries.

Impure Blood (Carbon Dioxide Mixed Blood) flows through pulmonary artery to lungs and purification happens. The Purified blood (Oxygen Filled Blood) will be sent to Left aricles through Pulmonary Vein. It will send the blood to left ventricles which will pass it to aorta. It will then pass it to all parts of the body as per requirement.

Systolic & Dystolic

How fast the blood flows through pulmonary vein is calculated as systolic pressure. The rest taken between lap & tap sound in heart is dystolic pressure.

If Sys is 120 & dys is 80, then it is normal only If sys is 140 & dys is 90, then it is normal only

if systolic is 150 and dystolic is 80, it means heart is functional properly and some part of body requires blood fastly. If Systolic is 150 or higher and dystolic is 100 or more, the blood flows very high and throws blood out of body. It is called hypertension (High BP) If systolic is < 100 & dystolic is < 60, then he/she faint immediately and is called as "Hypotension" (Low BP). Always check if the dystolic is not > 100 or < 70, then it will be harmful.

Usually the Pulse or Nadi should be 72 or 80. it is normal


Structure of Lungs

Lungs is the main organ which is responsible for breathing air into the body and is then flown into blood to keep all organs healthy.

There is pipe which is going in through toungue which is called "Trackia" which will go straight and then it will split into two parts this is called as "Bronchai". THe Bronchai will have left & right lung. The bronchai will form as tree shaped strucutre inside the lung and at the end of each leaf there is "Alvoeli". There are 700 million Alvoeli's in the lungs.

The right lung and left lung are not of same size and weight but both together gains 1.3 kg. The right lung is bigger and at the end it is flat because it has to accomodate "Liver". The left lung bottom is of small and is not flat because it has to accomodate "heart". The left lung has two lobes as "Upper and Lower". The right lobes as "Upper, Middle and Lower".

Usage of Plural Liquid

The gap between the bronchai is called as mediasten. There are two layers above the lungs which is called plural membranes. Top layer is called "Pertal Plura" and the inner layer is "Visaral Plura". There is a fluid between these two layers called as "plural fluid". It prevents rubbing each other and shaking or unstability effect on the lungs.

Working of Alveoli's

The Alveoli has a membrane on the upper layer which is created by cell inside of it. The blood Capillaries are present on top of this membrane. It has the property of alphobic & alpholic means (neer urunjum thanmai & neer veliyetrum thanmai). Once we breathe in, the air will be absorbed by alveoli's and the diffusion process happens which exits oxygen outside then the capillary arteries will take the oxygen and pass it to haemoglobin in the blood. The co2 in the haemoglobin will be sent out to veins which will then take place diffusion process and this air will be sent out as exhalation. When the blood flows the haemoglobin will absorb the air through capillary arteries & veins in lungs.

Inhalation & Exhalation Process

As lungs doesn't have muscles to handle inhalation & exhalation, it takes help from the muscles in throat, inner bones and diaphragm. Diaphragm is the main backbone for breathing or lungs and it is in doom shape.

When we breath in the air, the lungs will expand through muscle in the inner bones and the diaphragm will shrink. When we breath out the air, the lungs will shrink and the diaphragm will expand to hold full air in it. This is how the breathing process takes place in lungs.

Important Functions of Lungs

  1. Uyir Sakthi

  2. Sakthi naalangal mookil thirakiradhu

  3. Thol matrum udal mudiyai aalumai paduthuvadhu (Influencing Skin & Body Hair)

  4. Udal Neerthanmai olungupaduthuvadhu (Streamline Water Power in body)

  5. When we breath in air into our body, the lungs will absorb different energies through air. It absorbs oxygen and prapancha sakthi from the air and it will store the prapancha sakthi in it. It also absorbs uyir sakthi from manneeral (sphleen) and save it locally. The saved energy will be transferred to entire body whenever is required for any part of body. Usally we get tired when it crosses 6 PM or after sunset, the reason is that the uyir sakthi is exhausted in our body and it needs recharged to be more active. This is controlled by lungs. Only Lungs can absorb prapancha sakthi and uyir sakthi in our body.

Effects of Low Uyir Sakthi

If the uyir sakthi is less, then we will be tired, energy less or feeble voice and struggling to breath properly.

  1. The Sakthi flows through lungs influences breathing and smelling sensation to act on.


If the lungs is affected by cold air, it will trigger cold, blockage of nose and smell lessness. If the lungs is affected by Hot air, it will trigger itching nose, voice becomes weird and dry.

  1. The absorbed uyir sakthi through Nuraieeral will be mixed with blood and passes to entire body. Through the blood flow, the heat and cold in our body is stimulated and provides sufficient heat ot skin and cold to muscle when needed. Every hole in the skin is capable of absorbing prapancha sakthi into our body. When the lungs is properly functioning, the skin and the har will be more thick and healthy.


If a disease is affected through the skin, then we will face cold, cough, fever and closed nose. If the lungs is not able to control the skin, then it will trigger sweat heavily to protect it.

  1. Due to the property of prapancha sakthi flowing down, it increases the speed of liquids flow in the body.


If this process is not happening properly which will trigger cough, trouble breathing. If it goes serious, then it will reflect as unable to split urine, swallow in urinal bladder.


Urinary Bladder

Urinary Bladder plays very important role in excreeting urine or impurities from our body through urine. it has 3 three layers in it namely Uretar, Bladder, Urethra, prostate gland. UB is appeared as baloon when expanded and triangle if shrinked Urine from kidney is flown into UB in drops slowly, once the bladder is full and there is pressure created to sesnse us like to pee. The prostate gland act as a valve which triggers the sensation of urine excreetion when it receives too much pressure. When we are ready, the gland opens and the bladder shrinks to flush out all the urine from the bladder after excreetion completed, the gland closes the valve and again starts storing the urine.

Urater - Carries urine from kidney to the bladder Bladder - Stores the urine in it Urethra / Prostate gland - Controls the release of urine Capacity of Bladder minimum 500ml and max 900ml, chil 100ml upto 2 years and 1 to 5 yrs 200ml and gradually increases as age goes

Symptoms of Weakness

  • Frequent urination due to weakness in bladder muscles or prostate gland weakness
  • If stomach has become bulge and shrinks UB which results in urine releases when cough or laugh
  • When stomach goes down, he/she will not be able to excrete urine though you feel like to pee
  • If a person doesn't pee for long time and no water consumed, then too much heat generated in the bladder.
  • If a person holds urine for long time, the recycling process takes place and the water content in urine is reabsorbed into blood. As a result, urea/uric acid remains in the bladder and forms a coating on the bladder/kidney that will result in kidney/UB stone over the period of time.


  • Yang
    • Small amout of urine comes frequently
    • Dissatisfaction of urination
    • Burning/Itching/Pain/pricking pain on urine track
    • Color change in urine
  • Yin
    • Feels like pee but urine doesn't come
    • Urine comes immediately after peeing
    • Urine goes without control before reaching toilet


Small Intestine is located in the center of abdominal cavity straight behind the amblicus. It is of 17 ft long out of 22 ft long food pipe from mouth to aenas. There are 3 layers in small intestine are as

  • Deodinum
    • Front part of SI and is Connected with Stomach. Food digested in stomach will reach here slowly and reaches the next level.
    • Digestive fluids from pancreas, gall bladder will flow in depends on the type of food enters
  • Giginium
    • is the center of SI and burns out any hard particle enters here
    • Villeis will slowly make movement and absorbs the nutrients from the food and passes it to blood
    • Center of Digestive system that secrets blood in the body
    • once absorbs the food and the remaining junk will be send it to next layer
  • Ilium
    • It absorbs the remaining nutrients in the food and passes the waste into large intestine with the help of "Appendice"


  • Causes Amblical Hernea, Right or Left Hernea and Hydrocil
  • If the waste remained in SI, it loses the gripness and intestine will come down from its position


Spleen is located in the abdominal cavity on the left side behind the stomach and is attached to the bones.

Main Functions

  • Exchange energy between stomach and spleen
  • Saves energy and helps active throughout the day
  • Creates WBC

Spleen stores the QI energy from the food which is used to create hunger, thurst, transmitting digested food to SI etc.

It abosrbs the instant energy or glucose from the food that fell in stomach and mixes it into blood which then circulated to heart and lungs.

It creates trigger to stomach by supplying a fluid and then abosorbs the energy that is digested by stomach and stores the food energy in it, acts as a energy storage.

Spleen saves the damaged, used or broken RBC cells from blood and converts into WBC.


  • Feeling too much hungry or not feeling hungry
  • Feeling thursty or not feeling thursty
  • Able to eat food into stomach or getting vomit when ate food
  • Food gets digested or not and feeling stomach heavy and not able to breath properly
  • Getting Sweat during eating or feeling like sleepy or padapadapu


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