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Origin of Chi

  • Formed from word "Siva"
  • Pronounced as "Shiva" or "Chiva" as in "namachivaya"
  • chiva -> chi+na = china

Important Aspects of Body

  • QI(chi), Blood(xue), Essence (jing)

Chi (QI)

  • QI & blood are in-separable like yin & yang
  • QI feeds off blood and blood is moved by the force of Qi-energy

Functions of QI

  • Defense: Protecting the body from illness
  • Transformation: Metabolizing substances for the body’s use
  • Warming: Distributing heat throughout the body
  • Restraint: Holding all organs and structures in place
  • Movement: Carrying out all of the body’s physical processes

Functions of Blood QI

  • Nourish: Distributes food and water to all cells of the body
  • Moisten: Keeps all structures from drying out
  • Structure: Provides a material foundation for the mind/spirit


  • Stored in Kidney
  • Most Refined or purified form of chi
  • used for growth, development, maturation and reproduction
  • 2 types of Essence
    • Prenatal
      • Inherited from Parents
    • Postnatal
      • Produced from eaten food, water we drink, air we breath
  • Most BASIC ESSENCE required for all body structures and transformation

Body Fluids

  • 2 types of fluids
    • Thin Fluid
      • water, sweat, tears
    • Thick Fluid
      • skin, oils, bile, reproductive fluids, cerebral spinal fluids
    • Fluids & Blood form Physical structure of body
      • Bones, Nerves, Skin, Flesh, organs

Five Elements related to Eye Structures

  • Fire
    • Inner Canthus
  • Earth
    • Eyelids & aqueous
  • Metal
    • Scelara & Cornea
  • Water
    • Pupil, Macula & Retina
  • Wood
    • Iris & Eye Muscles Acupuncutre
    • Acu - Needle
    • puncture - stimulation
    • Point
      • Place of energy, energy center

zhen jiu - Actual Stimulation zhen - needle, boosting, actual jiu - fire


  • Japanese development of acupuncture
  • Stimulates points by pressure similar to varma


  • Stimulate acu points with heat
  • Kaattu Marikolundhu is converted to stick, powder or crushed leafs and burn it to feel heat. Fire should not be kept
  • Just show feel of heat or neruppu anal on the point
  • Eng name warmwood, Mug wood

Electro Acupuncture

  • Electronic Beam is applied on the acu point
  • Safe Laser Beam is applied on the acu point

Father of Acupuncture

  • Huangdi nijing - yellow emperor
  • Neijing - First Book written by yellow emperor
  • Ling Shu
  • Shuven
  • Health Mins. Go shu Po
  • Health. Mis says
    • Human body made up of auto healing system
    • Flow of energy is healing
    • Opposite of Energy Flow is disease
  • Genetic Chi - Parental Energy
  • Breath Chi - Observed through Air
  • Food Chi - Nutrition Energy
    • Fat, carbohydrates, proteins - Macro Nutrients
    • Vitamins, Minerals - Micro Nutrients
  • For cell creation, there should be five elements - it contains molecules of 5 elements
  • 2 Types of separated, Heat, Cold
  • Cosmic Energy is required to create above 2 types


  • Energy Anatomy
  • Energy Path or channel Equipments
  • Electro Meridian Acupuncture
  • Electro Point Detection

Energy Block

  • It can appear anywhere in the meridian pathway or in body
  • Reflects Pain

Ashi Point

  • Symptom Radiant Point
  • Lies near acu point


  • 12 Primary Channels
  • 2 Supportive channels
  • 8 Extra Meridians or channels
    • which doesn't have specific points but interconnect at specific points in primary channels

Primary Channels

  • 12 primary channels associated with 12 organs
  • these have bio rhythm and flow in an order
  • 12 months related to 12 organs and 12 channels
  • Every month one channel rule the body
  • 361 Points, there were 361 days earlier and everyday 1 point rule our body


  • Body Inch - Angulam - Kattai viral agalam not neelam
  • 1 cun - thumb finger breadth
  • 2 cun - 2nd finger, 3rd and 4th half finger together forms
  • 3 cun - excluding thumb 4 fingers together forms


  • Healthy functioning Aid eyes to Distinguish colors
  • Stores Blood
  • Ability to see depends on the liver capability of storing blood
  • Regulates the volume of blood in whole body according to the level of physical activity
  • Blood is stored when the body is at rest, relaxation or sleep
  • If body is active, Blood is moved to muscles

Liver QI Congestion

  • Eyestrain Headaches

Gall Bladder

  • Manufacturer of Acqeous & Virteous Humors

Causes of Poor Liver Function

  • Retinitins Pigmentosa
  • Color Blindness

Causes of Degenerative Vision Loss

  • Poor Liver Function
  • Liver/Gall Bladder Heat

Channels or Meridians

  • 14 channels/Meridians
  • Inner Hand Yin & Dark Side of hand Yang
  • 6 Channels Flow in hand
    • 3 Away from body
    • 3 Toward Body
  • 6 Channels Flow in Legs
    • 3 Channels Flow upwards or Towards
    • 3 Channels Flow Downwards or Away
  • 2 Channels start from Reproductive Area
    • One flow Anterior and other flow Posterior
    • Du +ve Current & Ren -ve Current
  • 6 Couple Channels


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