Python 2.7.12 Mac OS X 10.11.6 CUDA 8.0.47 cuDNN 5.1
- keras 1.1.2
- NumPy 1.11.2
- OpenCV 3.1.0
- tensorflow gpu 0.11.0
- matplotlib 1.5.1
- tqdm 4.7.6
- sklearn 0.18.1
- seaborn 0.7.1
- pandas 0.19.1
Initial dataset is downloaded from kaggle. The dataset includes two folders test and train.
But I split train folder into 2 folders:
the prossessing steps completed in preprocessing train dataset.ipynb
- mytrain ---- including two folders
- cat ---- including about 11250 cat images
- dog ---- including about 11250 dog images
- myvalid ---- including two folders
- cat ---- including about 1250 cat images
- dog ---- including about 1250 dog images
- 24s per epoch (2048 images)
- total epochs: 20
- CPU i7 6700K
- GPU GTX 980 Ti
- Memory 32GB
author = {Kaiming He and Xiangyu Zhang and Shaoqing Ren and Jian Sun},
title = {Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.03385},
year = {2015}
author={Zhou, B. and Khosla, A. and Lapedriza. A. and Oliva, A. and Torralba, A.},
title={{Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization.}},